I Have MedicineCh35 - A Good Show


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Translator's Note

投鼠忌器 – Tou shu ji qi, an idiom where one doesn’t act against evil to prevent harming the innocent.

Translator's Note

添砖加瓦 – Tian zhuan jie wa, an idiom to contribute bricks and tiles for a building.

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  1. Somehow our MC seems like a toy dog… ��
    Thank you.

  2. Wifey will always listen to hubby, mmhm XD thanks for the chapter!

  3. Thanks for the chapter! LOL GZ is so short he can be picked up in an underarm carry…

    "a figure rushed passed" –> "rushed past"

    "This person of such class had never been seen before in the world." –> Wording makes it seem like this sentence is referring to GYTH, when it's actually referring to the disguised heroic guy. Should better translate as something like "It was as if the world never contained this kind of person."

  4. Also, "He snuck a peak at his patron." –> peek

  5. inteligible gibberish oh my gawd! GZ is so cute! Hahahah!

  6. Yes, yes. Just listen to your hubby like a good little wife. sniggers (; ̄︶ ̄)

  7. Zuo really is his pet, isn’t he?

    Although I do think the revenge scheme was more for him than Zuo. I recall his reaction to when Zuo explained the gift that healer him AFTER he (Tianyou) decided to end his life. Tianheng was upset, very upset at that revelation but he never let it on.

  8. Thanks for the chapter…

    I want to ask, how does GZ look like, we’ve only read numerous explanations of GT’s appearance, that if I was told he was actually the mc of this novel I wouldn’t be surprised😅

    • The author often describes Gu Zuo as a teenager with a youthful and bright appearance. While he isn’t handsome or beautiful, he is considered refreshing and clean, like the air after a spring rain. Gongyi Tianheng usually wears blue robes, and I think the author eventually describes Gu Zuo’s colors as earth tones, like yellow and brown.