I Have MedicineCh34 - Golden Banknotes


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Translator's Note

未雨绸缪 – Wei yu chou mou, an idiom from the Book of Songs. To plan ahead, or prepare for a rainy day.

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  1. Esse bom show, deveria estar relacionado com o Qi Feng e seu amante? Kkk

    Thank você por capítulo !! ❤

  2. Thanks for the new chapter! Our MC continues to wax poetic about his boss every chance he gets. I keep waiting for the day he'll make a slip of the tongue to GYTH…

    Some translation notes:

    "As a matter of fact, after Gu Zuo saddled up next to Tianheng, he requested a demonstration." –> This sentence is better translated as "As a matter of fact, after GZ approached GYTH, he was told to go into a horse stance and do punches." The term "扎马" is actually a martial arts training stance, where you stand for a long time with your legs bent like this: |ˉˉˉ|.

    "Maybe they were going to hang out at Grandfather Gongyi’s place for a bit? That place with those noisy moths (youngsters)?" –> More like "Maybe they were going to hang out at the Gongyi ancestral house for a bit? Did some mischief occur there?" The term "幺蛾子" is sort of a slang term, meaning close to "antics, mischief, shenanigans…"

    Gu Zuo wanted to facepalm. / 顾佐略囧。–> I dunno… "囧" is an emoticon and it seems weird to translate it to text. Maybe keep the original chinese character, or paste in an emoticon icon if blospot supports that?

  3. Thank you for the chapter~~ ♥️♥️♥️ again, nothing much really happens… (:3//) I think, at least…? :3

  4. Oh my. He’s showing off to his bae.  (✪ω✪)

  5. It’s kind of a comforting feeling for an MC to share his space. I hope A’zou tries other pills soon. He has the recipes.