I Have MedicineCh328 - Realization


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  1. Can commenters please keep spoilers to yourselves? I don’t mind the translators having fun with teasing heads up but I don’t want spoilers from the world at large. Thank you!

  2. The second half of this chapter feels like it wouldn’t be out of place in any emo teenager’s diary, lol. ~facepalm~

    Translation notes:

    Their trustworthiness is seven percent. –> is rated sevent points/marks. (implicitly out of 10, so 70%)The trust I have in them is six percent. –> six points/sixty percent four percent.–> four points/40%

  3. Thank you for the chapter!! That… is a great point about being able to otherwise survive in the other world, or even consuming the Void Pill. Not gonna lie, I thought it was higher rank too, but dang;; Such a powerful thing is ranked like that, huh? It’s high up there regardless, but man. Such scary implications for the other pills and their power.

    I take no end of amusement at the fact that Ah Zuo went from Brooding over his future and dramatically grasping at possibilities to “I like Tianheng as my fathers like each other”

    Truly a teenager. Now, is Ah Zuo gonna have an individual crisis over that too, or is he gonna look deep inside himself and decide that maaayyybe when two people live so closely to each other, tend to each other so carefully, and survive a few life threatening situations together (with one taking a fricken blackhole for the other), it’s not so uncommon to develop feelings after so much time and care.

  4. Like a thunder from a clear sky. Gu Zuo maybe try talking with Tianheng.

    Thank you for the chapter and Happy Halloween

  5. Ohh~ That was fast (⊙ω⊙) Didn’t thought he would realize his own feelings right after Tianheng realized his own. It’s a good thing ^~^

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  6. I hadn’t considered the possibility of him keeping his psychic powers after returning to his original world 🤔🤔 that’s why I though about him having enough pills to return with them, cause he crossed over. Although he had to die at that time… Then, I don’t know.

    He could bring his dads into his dimensional storage and go through… orz I don’t know, I’ll keep on waiting till that happens. Thanks for the chapter 😄

  7. cough Erhm, author-sama, I think here is a pretty good time to suddenly switch points of view again… But only if it’s Tianheng’s point of view >w<

  8. OMG!!! (´・_・`) Gu Zuo realized his feelings for his dear ‘big brother’. It feels a bit abrupt to be honest. But nothing can stop me from celebrating anyway ~ ヽ(^o^)ノ

    Thanks for the chapter! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

  9. 1/2 of the pair has realized their feelings is not simply of brotherhood but of the romantic nature. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ Yay!!! Now we need to wait for the other half. GYTH will definitely sense something is up with GZ but he wont be able to put a finger on it. No matter how high GYTH’s IQ is, he will never be able to guss that GZ us feeling sad due to GZ having romantic feelings for him and is thinking about their future separation (GZ seems very adamant in returning. Cant blame him. His dad is left alone while his father somehow MIA).

  10. I wonder if he’s really going to want to go home in the end… He needs to help his father(s),,,but sometimes you can’t go home again,,, Dilemma!

  11. Has it ever occured to him he could bring his family to his big brother’s world instead of leaving to go to them? And if his dad or father was sick I’d he brought them back he could help them with his skills. 😩

  12. gasp ….HE KNOWS!! (OAO) !!

    Can’t believe it didn’t took him another 300 chapters to realize… Unbelievable…

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  13. Tianheng trying to enjoy his meal while Ah Zuo has a mini crisis next to him: 👁👄👁 Ah Zuo?

    Lol, I’m just imagining all the micro expressions passing over Ah Zuo’s face while he’s talking to the system and realizing his feelings 😆

    Thanks for the translation!