I Have MedicineCh314 - Three Races


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  1. It’s sad how the races were threaten.

    It looks like Gu Zuo is almost done his part

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. Learning about the other races was so cool! Hopefully we get to hear about them more and they don’t just become part of the background

  3. Since this is xianxia, after all, I hope readers won’t be too shocked by the mentions of xenophobia, slavery, genocide, etc.

    Translation notes:

    Within the bodies of the mad dog race was the blood of the wild. –> was the blood of a berserker. (or blood of madness)

  4. Thanks for the translation ❤

    I wish the Tianlong guards could have come. Who knows when they’ll see their young master again.

  5. It is very difficult for me to read about internationalized slavery and continue to perceive the main characters as positive people. Widespread genocide, xenophobia and the encouragement of rivalry really repel me. I love this story and this couple, so I try to turn a blind eye to it as well as to the rest of the cruelty of their world, but my conscience is still gnawing at me. It’s strange that almost no one talks about it anymore.