I Have MedicineCh31 - A Small Trap


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Translator's Note

小爷 – Xiao ye. Referring to oneself as father or grandfather is a way of showing your superiority over the other person.

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  1. Huehuehue XD thanks for the chapters!

  2. Thanks a lot for the hard work in translating this story

  3. Thanks for the new chapter!! If we follow standard xianxia tropes, we all know that Qi Feng is gonna be in for a baaaad time.

    Translation notes:

    RE footnote 2 "没钱装什么大瓣儿蒜!" Translation is more like: "If you don't have money (没钱), don't pretend (装什么) to be a garlic (大瓣儿蒜)." The meaning is probably more like: If you don't got the money then don't pretend that you do.

    "You just need to do what I want you to do. As for everything else, don’t worry about it." / "你只需要做你想做的事,其他的一切,都不必担心。" –> This should be more like: "You just do what you want to do, don't worry about anything else." GYTH isn't actually putting any strings on his support for GZ here. winkwink

    "..the large Families all thought about competing. While the smaller Families practically wanted to hang their heads in defeat." –> "意思意思" actually better translates as "making a token effort", so this sentence is more like: "The large Families make a token effort at competing, while the smaller families broke their heads at the effort." Basically, the large families didn't really care about getting this manual since they have better ones in the family, but the smaller families were more willing to fight to the end bidding for it because this can significantly boost them.

  4. Thanks so much for translating this novel!! I love it so much, I'm really glad that other people can see its awesomeness for themselves. And your translations are so high quality, I'm very impressed with how you're handling all the fancy technical Xianxia terms!

  5. Thanks for the chapter! 🙂