I Have MedicineCh30 - Meeting Qi Feng Once Again


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Translator's Note

玉树临风 – Yu shu lin feng, an idiom describing a man as distinguished, elegant, handsome, and confident.

Translator's Note

One 斤 is about 500 grams. 1035 斤 is 517.5 kilograms.

Translator's Note

两 – Liang. It’s an ancient unit of weight called a “tael”, which is about 50 grams.

Translator's Note

克 – Ke, a unit of weight that’s treated as a gram.

Translator's Note

In modern times, I’ll be treating 钱 in dollars as the “lowest denominator of currency,” while in ancient times, it will be in coins. Consider ancient coins and modern dollars as equivalent values.

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  1. cough
    While reading, misread [softly pat this little pharmacist’s shoulder] as [He softly pat HIS little pharmacist’s shouldet].
    Hahaha, I really want ML to show more possessiveness towards MC.

  2. Get revenge for wifey! Can't wait for some good ol' face slapping. MC's adoration for ML only rises more and more each chapter lol. Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Thanks for the chapter! In this one, we find out what our MC's "type" is. To no surprise, he disdains the modern musclebound jock look for his dear patron's gentleman pretty boy look. And voice. winkwink

    Translation notes:

    RE footnote 1, the chinese text is "但他也就是惊叹一下体型,etc." which roughly means "But he only marveled briefly at their body type, etc." GZ doesn't find the muscly body something worth gawking at.

    The bit after footnote 3, "was forged by a thousand skilled craftsmen" / "由能工巧匠千锻成型" should be more like "was forged by a skilled craftsman with a thousand folds". Even if I think writers of xianxia have no concept of numbers sometimes, requiring a thousand crafters to make one low level weapon is a little implausible.

  4. Protect your wifey. Also, naturally your pharmacist is not disadvantaged, after all what's yours is his XD

  5. Awww….their interactions are just about killing me. Quickly fall in love! Although, considering there are a 1000 chapters, it wouldn’t be for quite a while. sigh (〒_〒)

  6. Tianheng watched Gu Zuo’s expressions repeatedly change, and he grinned.
    He lowered his head a little and whispered into Gu Zuo’s ear

    !!!! I support


  7. Haha! Revenge!

    I really like that Tianheng treats Ah Zou respectively, he could be so much worse, but his treatment of someone unwordly like the MC reflects well on his character.