I Have MedicineCh29 - The Auction


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Translator's Note

醍醐灌顶 – Ti hu guan ding, to anoint one’s head with the purest cream.

Translator's Note

织成脉络 – Zhi cheng mai luo, to knit arteries and veins, but it can be interpreted to figuratively mean weaving fabric or bringing something into context.

Translator's Note

软趴趴 – Ruan (soft) pa pa (An adverb jocularly describing an action being “all over the place”).

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  1. Thanks for the chapter, and happy Valentine's day! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the chapter! It looks like our MC has already gotten used to waking up to his future hubby! And is also still in denial about his sexuality/attraction. I mean, how can anyone who read his inner monologue not come away with the impression that he's seriously got a crush? ^_-

    Translation notes:

    Footnote 1: I think this is referring more to GYTH's inborn talent and specifically high IQ than "filthy rich". I mean, being rich doesn't have a lot to do with TH being able to create his own cultivation or not. Maybe it would fit if he was *acquiring* it, but not creating his own.

    "…as if veiling him in a halo. A dazzled person would show some stupidity." –> Actually this bit is more like "as if veiling him in a halo, dazzling the onlooker to confusion."

    "His patron was still that large and formidable patron." / 金主还是那个强大的金主 –> Should be just "formidable" without the "large"; "强大" is a single term.

  3. Oooo. He knows his place is beside him does he? [leer] [leer] (*/ω*)

  4. If we won’t read MC’s monologue and pay attention to ML’s actions… i think ML will fall faster than MC. MC is attracted to ML, but not in love yet.

    The radiance in Gongyi Tianheng’s eyes dimmed.

    Also –

    However, Tianheng also ordered these two servant girls away. After waiting for them to leave, he beckoned with a wave of his hand: “Ah Zuo, sit over here.”


    • You didn’t finish the script hehe”Gu Zuo scampered over knowing that his place was beside his patreon”. I hope he doesn’t forget this in future.😅

  5. we’re going from “oh my god they’re roomates” to “OH MY GOD ARE THEY BEDMATES NOW?!”


    thank you for the chapter!