I Have MedicineCh24 - New Mission


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Translator's Note

This isn’t a modern bath tub that has low walls and a wide basin. Rather, it looks like a drum barrel, with high walls and a small circumference just enough for one person.

Translator's Note

神神叨叨 – Shen shen dao dao, derived from 神秘兮兮 (exaggerated mystery) and 絮絮叨叨 (to talk endlessly without getting to the point).

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 😀 I'm looking forward to the ML's reaction when he hears of the MC's system xD

  2. He really is coming off like a M lol. Thanks for the chapter!

  3. You know, you normally wouldn't think of our MC as the kind of person who'd be able to satisfy a masochist, being all naive and soft and all. But here, we find that he is quite capable of providing for his future hubby's M tendencies! cough 😉

    Some translation notes:

    "GZ & TH both retuned to their courtyard." –> While "courtyard" is the literal translation for "别院", in English, it sort of implies they returned to their private courtyard in the Main House/Fu, instead of returning to GYTH's private residence outside of the family compound. I would suggest maybe "villa" or "country house" or something instead.

    "total exhaustion from his soul force" –> "精气" will later become "精神力" as the MC learns the official terminology for the equivalent of a Mana stat for pharmacists. The way it's trained and the way he uses it (remote sensing, telepathy, telekinesis) makes it more closely equivalent to a mental force than a spiritual/"soul" type force though. So instead of soul force, I would suggest something like "mental focus" or the like.

    “…That’s inconvenient.” –> The dialogue is “……劳烦。” which actually is a courtesy term used to thank someone for their inconvenience. More literally, it would translate as "…if it's not inconvenient for you [to do X]", or more briefly, can just as easily be "…Please".

  4. Thanks for translating! Looking forward to the development of our characters! 😉

  5. Happy Chinese New Year, and thanks for the chapter!

  6. Ahahaha! Wife needs hubby’s brain! So cute! Why do I feel that GT is so fierce? He’s so brave! <3

  7. While fighting off my extremely painful period cramps today I decided to read something to distract myself with the help of pain killer, yet … It was extremely not wise choice lol the whole chapter screams pain which keeps reminding me instead.

    I also have to say that I am extremely envious 00of Ml, how much I wish I enjoyed pain instead….. 🙃

    • Haha. I actually enjoy pain though,I have a great tolerance towards it. I know, it’s really weird. I guess it’s bc of my love for M characters like ml

  8. Chapter 24 comment: first time encountering a male lead that is masochistic – – such an awesome read. Not boring at all.

  9. A complete masochist but it’s like a cancer patient taking chemo but instead of hoping it works they know it is working and guarantees their life.

    How many transmigration stories have the MC confess the truth? I can’t think of another one.