I Have MedicineCh183 - Pill Battle at the City Lord’s Mansion


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Translator's Note

药童 – Yao tong, medicine child.

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  1. Haha, looks like it’s even more important that Gu Zuo makes a super splashy entrance. I wonder if it’d be possible for him to fake/engineer a very public epiphany/upgrade from low level to mid-level pharmacist…

    Thanks, as always, for the chapter ❤❤❤

  2. I wonder how Gu Zuo will inform that arrogant young master Xu Lingxiu of his true strength or will he just surprise him and not tell him befor the competition? 🤔

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  3. Awww i want him to participate in all the battles 😞 let my ah zuo show off! 🥺

  4. Hahaha, XLX just totally raised a flag! “You’re going last so you probably won’t compete.” And then of course in the end our MC will have to either serve as tiebreaker or reverse a defeat.

    Translation notes:

    切磋 / comparing notes –> I’d suggest “sparring” is the more appropriate term in the context of battling.

    Only, the ones who were suited to using the pills were martial artists at the Immortal Realm and below. –> Only, the Meridian Replenishing Pill and the Bone Replenishing Pill were suited for martial artists of the Immortal Realm and below. (Original sentence seems like implying it’s talking about the Meridian Easing/Small Particle pills. But GZ is saying that his pills are better than the new ones just mentioned.)

  5. Oh my god XD Wasn’t that “medicine runner” called drug boy in the MTL?😂😂😂 I can’t oh my god i suddenly remembered that wow😂😂

    Thank you for the chapterr!~ 💜

  6. Hm, seems a difficult situation, but big brother said to show some of your abilities, so don’t worry and don’t perform good, ’cause you’re make them open their mouths so wide that will dislocate.

    Thank you for the chapter!