I Have MedicineCh176 - The Trial Grounds


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  1. Lolol as expected, Tianheng is physically unable to do one thing without also accomplishing some side objectives. There’s a very high chance he’ll shill for the medicine store when he gets out of that gravity room 😂

    Thanks for the chapter 😘

  2. Living advertisement human strikes again. Free promotion while training.. but that also make the lil pharmacist be pushed to the limelight. Afterall this lil one always stuck close to TianHeng like almost 24/7. Lololol

  3. I agree that Ah Zuo is extremely cute!!

    S uch a soft and cute little pharmacist, I understand the desire to monopolize him nod, nod ( ùwú))

    I want to see Tianheng drinking vinegar~!!

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  4. GYTH is indulging in his masochistic tendencies again, lol.

    Translation notes:

    Moreover, if you and I become apprentices, I’m afraid that Elder won’t really be able to teach you anything. –> …teach me anything.

    It’s a pity that I might only be able to earn contribution points. –> It’s a pity, since that’s the way I might be able to earn contribution points.

    There were also a few who wanted to continue walking a few more steps, but their features abruptly twisted like something had been cut off. –> …like something was blocking them.

    Something missing with the 4th/3rd to last paragraphs… 因为这个缘故,他慢慢抬起手,只听得“嗞啦——”一声,上衣就被他撕开,那莹白的肌肤上,果真有许多血痕,形成一幅有些残虐之美的画面。 这时候,公仪天珩取出几粒丹药,用真气包裹吞服而下。 Because of this, as he slowly raised his hand, there was a tearing sound. His upper robes tore open. On the pale skin, there were many trails of blood, forming a picture of harsh beauty. At this moment, GYTH took out several pills…

  5. This novel is exactly my cup of tee and everytime I consume it I feel very happy and content ~ 😁 Also the length of every chapter is just ☺️ I have no words. The length is at least 2 or three times bigger than most novels I read. Ahhhh~ so content ☺️ Thanks so much for sharing this novel with us Tetractys! 😚💕

  6. [His little pharmacist, who now had complete confidence in himself, was becoming increasingly cute. ]

    Ah Ah Ah, he said it! CUTE. Everyone heard it !😆🤭

  7. i think i’m getting more intelligent too while reading this ah!! i’m learning from Tianheng~ hahahahahaha here comes the free advertising huh :> thank u for the chapter!!

  8. Sigo siendo tan ingenua e ilusa… No me hubiese enterado si no fuera porque leí los comentarios, ah