I Have MedicineCh161 - Slaying the Fire Ape


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Translator's Note

骨骼剔透 – Gu ge (skeleton) ti tou (pure and limpid). Basically, the flesh is translucent, so the skeleton is visible.

Translator's Note

气海 – This is also the term for the acupoint located along the midline, just below the navel.

Translator's Note

兔起鹘落 – Tu qi hu luo, to ascend like a rabbit and descend like a falcon.

Translator's Note

It’s actually 锥 (awl) in the raws, but I’m pretty sure this is meant to be 针 (needle).

Translator's Note

毁天灭地 – Hui tian mie di, to incinerate the heavens and extinguish the land. This also happens to be the name of a weapon in World of Warcraft.

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  1. Thank you for the update! Keep safe and be healthy!

  2. I feel a tiny bit bad for that ape that was just quietly cultivating on the tranquility of it’s own home until two punks came to disturb and provoke him lol~

    Rest in peace, Mr. Ape…

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  3. Stay safe! Even if the quarantine is lifted, it’s best to still keep cautious. Wear masks and keep a distance from other people.

    Translation suggestions:

    How did the Earthen Core Flame merge with the qi ocean? –> So how can he merge the ECF with his qi ocean?

    He provisionally lowered the dangerousness of that system by two points. — Is “dangerousness” a word? Just “danger rating” or “thread rating” should be fine.

    Soon after, it became indignant! –> I’d suggest “enraged” rather than the milder “indignant”

    The figures of one man and one beast collided. –> The figures of man and beast flew past one another.

  4. Tianheng reached out an arm and pulled Gu Zuo into his embrace.

    Hehe… so cute!

    He’s no longer carried like a sack („ಡωಡ„)