I Have MedicineCh157 - Returning Home


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Translator's Note

深藏不露 – Shen cang bu lu, to describe someone who conceals their thoughts and bides their time, or someone who is knowledgable but reserved.

Translator's Note

堂兄 – Tang xiong, older male patrilineal cousin.

Translator's Note

Gongyi Tianheng’s paternal grandfather.

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  1. I’m so excited with what everyone else’s reactions will be!!! This duo is so adorable! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯

    Thanks for the update. Stay safe and be healthy! 😁

  2. Little brother seems to have a brother conflict 😏😏

  3. Looks like Gongyi Tianheng has been suppressed in the Sect for too long to feel the need to show off in front of his kin that badly! 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  4. Gah! Cliffhanger!! 😱 they’ll definitely be shocked when Tianheng and the others return with those rhinos 😂😂 and will the people of cangyun know of ah zuo’s rank too? Or will it be for the Gongyi clan only?

    Thanks for the chapter!!! Can’t wait for the next chapter!!! 😆

  5. Father! I am the lion king!!!!! All bow before me!!!!!

  6. Tianyang is adorable here, playing the straight man to his older brother’s mischief. I also wonder about the logistics of how they gathered that herd of rhinos. They don’t have a big flight of birds to carry a huge cage, after all…unless their boat has the same lift capacity?

    Translation notes:

    Thus, after half a day, besides for a small number of martial artists who were injured by the wild beast and who didn’t put up the least bit of resistance, –> …besides the few fighters who were unable to defend themselves and quickly became injured, …

    The guy commented on martial artists with his younger brother. Whoever dared to speak out wouldn’t come forward! –> If that person commented on the contestancs, and commented on his younger brother, who dared to say he can’t?

    • Thanks for the correction!

      Also, I was under the impression that since GZ and GYTH didn’t go straight to Cangyun City and were instead going all over the continent in search of gifts, that they actually captured the rhinos after returning to the Tianwu Continent. Do you think that’s possible?

      • I want to say, they were stored with Ah’Zuo, but then I remembered, that living things can’t be stored inside his little space… Well, at least living things with consciousness.. So, the only way would be… those little rhinos walked all the way? Or were captured nearby?

      • Yeah, that’s the impression I have too. But unless they found the herd of rhinos within walking distance of the capital city, they would still need to transport them from whereever they caught them, into that cave.

  7. Yay, yay! So exciting! Thanks for the update 😊

  8. gotta give your family the same wild beasts herd as you sold to your allies in Mingyue Pavilion 🤭 very sneaky i like it!

    thanks for the chapter!!