I Have MedicineCh152 - Unbridled Plundering


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Translator's Note

天予弗取, 反受其咎 – This is part of a larger saying. When one spurns Heaven’s blessing, one instead suffers misfortune.

Translator's Note

嘶- Si, the sound of hissing, sizzling, or air being sucked between a person’s teeth.

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  1. Superb luck, special body, genius and incomprehensible partner slash brother ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) Ah Zuo, high IQ….

    Gongyi Tianheng can be your good luck charm better than other things lol

    Thanks tetra

  2. So, Tianheng got a portable generator and Gu Zuo got a ton of rare herbs… Hunting beasts is profitable indeed 😂 (provided that you survive the ordeal)

    Thank you very much for the chapter! 🌸

  3. Tianheng’s luck is truly the best of the best, otherwise how could he meet Ah Zuo and form a contract with him?

    Hoarding sounds fun~

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  4. GZ is totally right in that the biggest part of GYTH’s luck is GZ himself. After all, that’s how they met!

    Translation notes:

    Right now, I’m punishing him so that he can’t carry medicinal pills. –> I’m punishing him to not receiving any pills for a year. (一载 in this case is referring a year by ancient chinese calendar rather than “carry”)

    Gongyi Tianheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “I could say the same about myself.” –> “How can you say that about yourself.”

    After the two had blamed themselves, this matter was uncovered. –> the matter was swept over.