I Have MedicineCh150 - Big Brother Encounters Danger


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  1. Ahhhhhh Ah Zuo coming to save ~~the beauty~~ gege!!! Awwww o(〃^▽^〃)o

    Hope they’ll be fine!

    Thank you for the chappie and Happy Easter~

  2. Oh oh oh! What happens next?!?…

    (Eats chocolate eggs to ward off angst)


    Happy Easter!!!


  3. big oof to mountain ponyta- no, a legendary rapidash: clydesmount

  4. Gu Zuo:
    (◡‿◡✿) “I’m just a harmless little pharmacist.”
    (ʘ‿ʘ✿) ”Wait, my Gege is in danger?!?”
    (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ ”Dragon Two, hold my herbs.”
    Dragon two: (✿\(。-_-。) )

  5. Gu Zuo to the rescue! 👨‍🔬

    P.S. It’s kinda strange that after Dragon Two and Qian Hu caught the backlash, Gu Zuo’s first thought wasn’t about curing them, but whether or not they’d bear a grudge against Tianheng. I understand how this mentality of viewing people as disposables could develop, but (higher moral considerations aside) Gu Zuo will likely need all the help he can get, so making sure these servants are in good health is totally reasonable, yet he doesn’t spare a thought for it.

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

    • I think they, or at least Dragon 2, would already have restoratives on hand just for their day to day needs. If the backlash had downed them and made them unable to get and take pills themselves, then GZ might’ve done some immediate triage.

  6. Our MC has come a long way from the scaredy-cat modern city-boy in the beginning of the story. The mark of a hero is when you can decide to walk into the face of certain danger, even knowing that you can fail, in order to save the “damsel”. ^_-

    Translation notes:

    There was a mountain king, and some formed groups while others were solitary loners. –> Some claimed sovereignty over a mountain, some formed groups, some were solitary loners.

    both could conduct secret communications under the premise of concealing the other. –> both both could conduct secret communications while concealed from others.

  7. Listening to Unravel while reading really didn’t help.

    I could feel angst.(⌒▽⌒)(⌒▽⌒)

    GU zuo will be fine. Do your best Plot-armor-sama.\(;´□`)/