I Have MedicineCh146 - Secret Medicine


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Translator's Note

天下无不散之筵席 – Reunions are relative, but separation is inevitable.

Translator's Note

及时雨 – Ji shi yu, timely assistance.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! It’s chapters like this that remind the reader that the MC is still a kid…

  2. They are so cuteeee!! Especially Ah Zuo! How is our family’s Ah Zuo this adorable?!

    I wonder what is dage planning….?

    Thanks for the chapter~🌸

  3. Thanks for the chapter!! Can’t wait for the rank testing…. I wonder when ah zuo would show his real rank? Because, I’m pretty sure it won’t be the next chapter 😫

  4. Fluff mixed with a dash of angst. Yum. ^_-

    Translation notes:

    His impression to that little prince would be really poor. –> His impression of that princeling really wasn’t too bad.

    Gu Zuo went to another world by chance. He wasn’t willing to make the person, whom he had the best relationship with in this world, hate him after leaving. –> On this journey through another world, he didn’t want to make the person he was closest to in this world hate him after he leaves.

    However, it’s not an original prescription because its effects –> it’s not a preexisting prescription, as its effects

    It would cut down on a lot of the time he spent occupying the Inner Sect. –> It would cut down the time for him to become a notable player in the inner sect. (占有一席之地 = gain a position of prominence)

  5. Something I’ve been thinking about is that when he goes home. He’s going to either do it aged or he’s gonna have to reverse time to before he got hit by the truck.