I Have MedicineCh125 - Advancing to Xiantian


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Translator's Note

邪气 – Xie qi, evil influence, pathogeny, or even demonic qi.

Translator's Note

恃强凌弱 – Shi qiang ling ruo, to use one’s strength to bully the weak.

Translator's Note

火药味 – Huo yao wei, belligerence or a combative tone.

Translator's Note

风雨欲来 – Feng yu yu lai, troubles lie ahead.

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  1. Oh wow, there’s definitely trouble ahead, that bystander was definitely right XD

    Thanks for the chapter (/^▽^)/

  2. Pfft, isn’t our MC so lucky that his big bro was smart enough and strong enough not to get involve with that whole quagmire. Not that GYTH won’t have trouble coming his way from the behind the scenes mastermind…but that’s spoilers. =P

    Translation suggestions:

    black gas –> black qi

    which converged from a higher power. –> which entered from the tianling acupoint. (depending on the source, this is either an acupoint on the chest or on the forehead…)

    He also gradually discovered that he actually needed to defend himself. He definitely couldn’t only rely on his psychic power and nothing else. –> He also discovered that in order to protect himself, he didn’t need to rely only on psychic power.

    What was written upon it were the rankings of outer sect disciples who crashed their way through the Xiaowu Pagoda. –> challenged their way thru the Lesser Martial Pagoda. (dunno if you want to keep Xiaowu)

    Following this, Gu Zuo clearly heard that this was a matter of one side wanting to crush and rob the other. As for the other group’s unwillingness to resist, that group’s leader found that the levels of this group of people weren’t weaker than their own. –> Thus, GZ understood that this was a group attempting to bully and rob the other, and the other resisting in return. The first group find that their foes weren’t that much weaker than themselves.

    it was looking like those who hadn’t played a big role weren’t willing to let it go! –> it was like if they couldn’t make a big enough commotion, they weren’t willing to let it go!

  3. Thanks for the chapter~

    I always love how long these chapters are, it satisfies me and leaves me yearning for more all in one ❤ not to mention your translations are always so clear and I completely enjoy following your updates


  4. I love the pace of this novel, it’s neither fast nor slow, but just right >w< keeps me wanting more 😗

    Thanks for chapter and take your time with changes :3