I Have MedicineCh123 - Collecting More Slaves


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Translator's Note

水到渠成 – Shui dao qu cheng, when conditions are right, success will naturally follow.

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  1. Heh, in xianxia, one of the ways you can tell who the protagonist is that the non-protags would usually give up freedom (and other stuff) for power, while the protagonist will never be put into such a position.

    Also, don’t want to spoiler or anything, but there is sooooo much foreshadowing and the start of various plot threads in this chapter!

    Translation notes:

    Yet, it had a strong sense of crisis, making Bao You to involuntarily shut his mouth. –> Yet it produced a strong feeling of danger/threat…the one who took it would become something like a believer of big brother. –> become a worshipper of big bro.The Tiandu Body really did have a special distinction. / Following that, Gu Zuo quickly refined — Missing a line in between these paragraphs: 只是不知道,等他那大哥突破至先天后,血液炼丹又会如何。–> It’s just unclear that after his big bro advanced to XT, what would happen with the pills refined from his blood.

    • Eh, formatting.

      Yet, it had a strong sense of crisis, making Bao You to involuntarily shut his mouth. –> Yet it produced a strong feeling of danger/threat…

      the one who took it would become something like a believer of big brother. –> become a worshipper of big bro.

      The Tiandu Body really did have a special distinction. / Following that, Gu Zuo quickly refined — Missing a line in between these paragraphs: 只是不知道,等他那大哥突破至先天后,血液炼丹又会如何。–> It’s just unclear that after his big bro advanced to XT, what would happen with the pills refined from his blood.

  2. Here’s hoping the free ‘honest( one isn’t just a better actor than the others.

    Thank you

  3. I feel bad to say this but, I thought a bit in Mulan when were described the three men… ( pls, don’t hit me )