I Have MedicineCh118 - Unexpected


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  1. Noooooo…cliff hanger ……noooooo

    Thanks for your hard work

  2. I think this might be the first time GYTH used a non-top grade pill? Or no, I think he tested one from GZ’s earliest batches of qi pills for comparison.

    Translation suggestions:

    In any case, it was for the best that the poison within wasn’t moved –> wasn’t circulated

    He himself pocketed quite a large pile of Earth Ghost corpses and squeezed into an empty room. –> He brought his pile of earth ghost corpses…

    He couldn’t ignore his own anxiety. –> He couldn’t let his anxiety go unchecked.

  3. take care of what?!!Thanks for the chapter.

  4. Damn it, author! Depriving us of a potentially juicy scene of Gu Zuo sucking the poison out! 😅

  5. I thought that an antidote is already present? Why didn’t they seek it out when they left the mountain?