I Have MedicineCh117 - Successful Harvest


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

    I’m worried for poor Tianheng and Gu Zuo. Don’t blame yourself bbyyy

  2. I think the next logical step would be asking the system if there’s any pill that could be refined on the spot or another method of driving the poison away 🤔

    Thank you for the chapter 🌼

  3. Time for our MC’s first timed countdown mission to produce a cure! Don’t worry, GZ, your luck plus your hubby’s luck makes it impossible for things to come out bad in the end. =P


    It was moving to intercept! –> They were going to clash after all!

    How could he have fret over nothing? –> What was he thinking?

    How rare was it? –> So what if it was rare?

  4. Poisoned. We all know itll heal so not to worry 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Hello translator.

    I should post this on the proper chapter but got lazy.

    It’s about a wrong name. In the Hundred Country Tournament, the name of the first place in the first test is wrong. I already read more than 300 chapters a few times so I can say for sure about the wrong name. The right name is He… it’s the name that appears all the other times.

    Hope it helps. It’s an amazing story with a great translation. I like to wait till the translation is over to read a story, but this one is just so good that I can’t wait (specially since it’ll take quite awhile to finish the translation) so I can only read from the start while waiting for a few chapters to accumulate, what I’m doing now for the 4th (ou 5th?) time now.

    Anyway, thank you very much for the amazing job you’re doing.

    • Thanks for letting me know about that. I went back to the chapter (it was Chapter 70), and made the correction.

      I’m happy to hear that you enjoy this translation so much! And I hope you enjoy the future chapters when you have built up stockpiles that are large enough to binge. 😀

      • You’re welcome.

        To this day I already read hundreds of translated works, and I can say for sure that you easily enter the top 3 (if not first) in my list of best translator.

        The chosen story, the quality of the translation, the attention to details, the care to the readers… everything is amazing. Today, you are by far my favorite translator.

        Looking forward to the completion of this story and the works you’ll do in the future.


  6. But Tianheng also didn’t say anything. FFS stop whining. I honesty hope this ship doesn’t sail, you can already see what their relationship would be like. The MC is the most submissive character I’ve ever read. If he were a girl (like the poor, blushing, dainty princess) I’d have stopped reading ages ago.