I Have MedicineCh112 - Detoxification


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Translator's Note

死马当活马医 – To keep trying everything in a desperate situation.

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    I wonder how they’re going to guard against these pesky monsters during the night? After all, Ah Zuo is the only one with the “radar” and he can’t stay awake 24/7…

    • Pretty sure at even at their cultivation level, these kids can go for several days without sleep. Remember the flight from Cangyun to the 100 World Tournament, they rode a bird for ~3 days in between rest stops? Pretty sure you don’t want to fall asleep while on a bird’s back…

        • Oops the comment got in the wrong place sorry 😀

  2. Our protagonist is finally starting to shine in public! We also get to see how he responds to a sudden crisis; compare this to his behavior in arc 1 and we do see that GZ has grown.

    Translation suggestions:

    Her lily-white hands grabbed the area of the wound in the manner she learned from Gu Zuo. –> grabbed the area above the wound

    “pushing and pressing”/”push”/挤 –> “squeeze” is probably the better term for what they’re doing

    Whether if it were Gu Zuo or Princess Yaomin, looking at the traces of the poison’s spread from above and below the knee, after getting close to parts of the abdomen, there wouldn’t be any way to persist. –> For both GZ and PY, they could see the spread of the poison fall from above the knee to below the knee. But as it approached the calf area, they were not able to get it to persist further.

    If they wanted to continue the bleeding, it would only be after giving the injured person a knife. However, after giving a knife… –> If they wanted to continue bleeding it out, then they’d need to give the two victims another cut. But if they gave them another wound…

  3. Yas! No pig teammates for our bois, it wouldn’t be in the style of the author but I was trying to predict was is to come with working with those others.