I Have MedicineCh111 - Poisoned


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  1. I’m hoping they can somehow resolve the issue with the black qi, it’d be a shame to lose more people at this point :-/. Also, no worries re the delay, hope things calm down for you soon. Thanks for the chapter ;D

  2. Alright, it looks like the perfect moment for our MC to show off with his ingenuity and skill!

    Translation suggestions:

    Because it was the same principle –> Because they were of the same profession (he’s talking about how yaomin and him are both pharmacists)

    His psychic power was too weak, and he was merely a martial artist who couldn’t release his perception –> His mental power wasn’t weak, but he was still a mere martial artist…

    It was a pity that many matters that weren’t spoken about couldn’t be accomplished, and matters that weren’t guarded against couldn’t be guarded against. –> Unfortunately, some things are easier said than done, and forewarned doesn’t always mean fully forearmed.

  3. You know what I’m curious about…? If this novel’s alchemy will allow for freedom in concocting, creating new pills and new recipes for existing pills, like in ISSTH?

  4. As for this group of Tianheng’s, Gu Zuo didn’t dare neglect anything. <– a group full of Tianheng’s? Or the group, Tianheng is part of? I don’t know, this sounds kind of off.. How about “As for Tianheng’s group, Gu Zuo didn’t….”

    Ah Zuo, you’re such a lovely little doll! It’s no wonder, Tianheng is so fond of you. It’s time to shine, little guy. Show off 😀