I Have MedicineCh108 - The Xiantian Pill


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Translator's Note

掀起 (Xian qi – upsurge), 惊涛骇浪 (Jing tao hai lang – raging waves and stormy seas).

Translator's Note

有千钧重 – Literally fifteen thousand kilograms, to attach something with great importance or a heavy burden.

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  1. Nanny GZ: “Be sure to take your medicine.” 😉

    10%? 🎶 “Long and winding road…” 🎶

    Thank you

  2. Poor MC, so conflicted about whether he wants to be successful at making the XT pill or not. Alas, he’s probably prophetic in that his big brother is gonna be repeatedly bleeding himself to make these pills in the future. There are 200 dragon guards in total to consider, after all… XD

    Translation suggestions:

    The entire process wasn’t under his overall control, so the medicinal properties didn’t exhibit perfection. –> The entire process wasn’t under his total control, and so the medicinal properties didn’t achieve their full potential.

    Medicinal Pill Catalog — This should be lowercase since GZ is not referring to the the title of a book, but just the reference books he has in general.

    Zhanghao’s aptitudes and strength was similar to Duanmu Qingrong and the others. Originally, he was at most just a nominal disciple. –> …similar to DMQR and the others, who were at most just nominal disciples. (The nominal disciple here in in this paragraph can’t be talking about HFZH obviously, since he’s an outer disciple, so it’s more likely talking about his peers from Cangyun.)

  3. Thank you for the translation!

    There’s something I don’t understand. Likely I’ve forgotten or missed some important info, but I thought GT hadn’t advanced to Xiantian yet, so his blood couldn’t be used to produce Xiantian pills. 😳

    Or does GT think the breakthrough is imminent and want GZ to practice concocting such pills? To get the hang of it, so to say? 🤔

    • GYTH was born with the Tiandu Body, so his flesh and blood is Xiantian. However this led to complications resulting in his illness.

      It was suspected that his blood could be used before, but there was a lack of herbs.

      Read chapters 60 and 61 to refresh your memory. 🙂

  4. wait, 10%? QAQ i am someone who preferes bingereading… a will dieeee lights a candle

  5. 10% . . . . 10% . . . . . Oh my god ahahahaha its LMW all over again but longer XD Thanks for the chapter!

  6. I love fluff. And the more fluff I see the happier I am with the amount of time I’ve invested in this novel lol. Also the more I see GZ be bad ass the happier I am. I’m just anxiously waiting for GZ to tell GT that he’s an alien trying to get back to earth and his father. Also does GZ still have a dead body in his storage space?