It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Ch41.1 - Bridge

Editors: sleepchaser, con

“After you collapsed… I didn’t feel alive until you woke up.” Melancholy colored Sig’s purple eyes.  pTHRNc

From where we were, I could see where I had collapsed all of a sudden yesterday. It was next to the waterway that transported the water to the field. Of course he would be worried. Even I was very anxious.

God, nobody told me that by staying here, I would ‘die young’. If my life had a time limit, shouldn’t you tell me that from the beginning? 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It’s okay, Minoru. You’ll be able to go home right away. Let’s build the bridge quickly.” Sig wrapped his hand around mine, which had gone cold. His warmth calmed me down a little. 

That’s right, I didn’t have to worry about anything. I could purchase the bridge soon, and the level of the miniature garden was rising in our favor. When the “third person” was born, I could leave this place. BdZ0wq

So I should hurry and eat the “fruit” with Sig…

That was too much.

“Are you telling me to leave my family?”

I remembered the young, purple-eyed boy I met in that dream.


In the end, I would leave that child as soon as he was born, and even turn my back on this place. Was what I’d seen not a dream after all, but the “future” of this miniature garden? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I don’t want to… I, I definitely won’t leave this place. I won’t go anywhere!” I spat out the words that had festered within me and headbutted Sig’s torso, clinging to the warmth that supported, cursing God. 


Tbe’gf mgefi, Xbv. Cr P atbeuta, rlcmf P kjr j “ibra qfgrbc,” P kjr jirb pera jc “bearlvfg,” gluta? Qts vlvc’a sbe afii wf ab gfaegc ab ws kbgiv lo P vlvc’a kjca ab vlf?!  J0BZnP

Ktf kjafg ktffi gjaaifv, agjcrqbgalcu kjafg ab atf olfiv klatbea gfra. P vlvc’a agfwyif, cba fnfc j yla, yea P ofia ilxf P kjr rfmbcvr jkjs ogbw yegralcu lcab afjgr. Vb P mieamtfv Vlu’r mibatfr aluta lc ws olrar. 

I wouldn’t leave my family. Rather, I would be the one left behind. 

Even if I weren’t here anymore, Sig would be happy. The time I spent in the “future” taught me that.

Would I have to taste that incomparable emptiness again? trkQyL

No way. I didn’t want to feel like that anymore.

If this person left me behind, I wouldn’t be able to―

“I’m sure your country is peaceful and beautiful.” Sig’s words were quiet, as though he were talking to himself. I lifted my face and stared into the gently trembling eyes before me.

My country, my world. Sig still didn’t accept coffee as a drink. But surprisingly, he could eat natto. Although miso soup too salty for his tastes, adding wheat gluten to it seemed to solve the problem.  Cj9i7D

Whenever he smiled, his sharp eyes would narrow, giving him the appearance of a hero.

“I want to see it with my own eyes someday. The rich country where you were raised.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


This was bad. I could feel the tears growing.. fq sDX

I pressed my forehead against Sig’s chest so that he wouldn’t see my miserable face. He gently stroked my back.

Even I hoped for that day to arrive.

Should we cross the bridge together? Then we could head to my house first. Or maybe Grandma’s? Sig seemed like he would stand out no matter where he went. He was a charismatic beauty, and tall too. With his physique, we might be a little cramped in my worn-out car… 

…Huh? fDbesl

I’m sorry. Father is outside at the moment, so―

The memory of a young voice passed through my mind. 

The child, who was house-sitting with his sister, had served me tea as he explained where his father was. That Sig had gone out, and would return with their mother in the evening.

“Return…” 2su46x

I took a quiet breath. Sig gazed into my eyes.

Wait a minute. Back then, I was distracted by the issue of their mother and hadn’t thought to ask him, but maybe… my current thoughts were possible? 

My shoulders went still at once, and Sig gripped me tight, supporting me. 

“What happened, Minoru? If you don’t feel well, I’ll carry you back to the room.” V3tRNg

“Sig. Uhm, maybe, I…”

“Your face is completely red. Do you have a fever?”

My cheeks grew even hotter in a flash. Sig’s fingertips felt soothing and cool.

Why hadn’t I realized it? 4N ftM

That child said, “Since mother didn’t return, father went to pick mother up.” In other words, the “bridge” in that world was something that people could use to go back and forth between here and there.

It was possible that everything was just a dream, but I trembled with the chance that it was true. 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Clever and timely as ever, my smartphone sounded with a notification. 

No way. Both of you thought that it was the end after you left this world, huh? It seems like I didn’t explain clearly enough to you.”  0iOjKQ

“God…!” I burst into a half-sob. “I mean, I… I saw the bridge disappearing when I first came, so…” 

Yeah. When I had first gotten lost in this world, I witnessed the strange experience of the bridge “disappearing.” That’s why I kept thinking that it would vanish after I crossed it.

I told you that married couples have to love each other, right? I wouldn’t make such a one-way bridge!


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  1. Damn it 😂 I keep avoiding this novel thinking that maybe this is a Bad Ending where our protagonists parts in a bittersweet moment 😩

  2. The bridge was like their feelings, since in the beginning it was one-sided, it disappeared, now that it’s mutual they can use it in both ends

    Thank you for the chapter

  3. I blame God for all this angst…he’s the worst at explaining things. And personally I think he’s doing it on purpose!

  4. Im gonna beat this idiot god for making my little Mi cry. Anyone with me?

  5. … so why doesn’t their son recognise their own mother? ( ・∀・)

    and mii gave birth to a squirrel?

  6. Um… a bridge between two worlds for two lovers to meet… Does this remind anyone of the magpie bridge between Cowherd and Weaver girl? XD

  7. This family (coughs esp nosey father-in-law) is a fucking disaster x’D

  8. Father-in-law is such a sadist, not explaining anything, making the young couple misunderstand 🤣🤣🤣

  9. I wanna hit that “god” with a frying pan straight on his forehead.. Grrrr..

    I’m fire I’m death I am Smaug hahahaha

  10. Thanks for the chapter 😊😍 Gosh, all their own fault for not communicating. All the angst in this book can be explained with one word: Communication. Jeez!! I’ve never realized the importance of this one word more than when I read this book.

  11. Yeah!! They can live happy together for the rest of their lives! Minoru Just needs to go out every Day to be fine.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  12. … God- you- our feelings- THINK OF MII-SAN AND HOW SHE FELT HEARTBROKEN-

    and then you just- WHY COULDN’T YOU CLEAR THIS UP SOONER GOD??!!!??!!

  13. God is medsing with them on purposeee!!

    God needs the drama to sustain his faily boring life 🤣😝