It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Chapter 30.2

Editors: sleepchaser, con

“I’m going to stay here and watch over the cow tonight,” Sig said, spreading a thick blanket out over the hay. The barn was indeed warm enough that we should be able to stay overnight. XddTjH

“Can I stay here too?”

“I don’t mind, but it’ll get cold, you know?”

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I made my way back to the house and returned with a lamp and a blanket of my own. Of course, I had finished tidying up the house and taking a bath before that.

I tried to imitate Sig and spread out my blanket, but he pulled me down into his arms where he was lying, planting my butt on his knee. Although I scrambled to get up, he told me that it would be warmer this way. I could only give in and settle into his arms. We were wrapped together in a blanket, watching the cow’s restless squirming. smpFUN

“What should we name her?” Sig whispered, waking me from a warmth-induced doze.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Name, huh? Since she was brown, how about calling her Chacha? Sounded pretty cute.

Coafg P wewyifv ws jcrkfg, Vlu mtemxifv, mbggfmalcu tlr tbiv bc ws ybvs. “Tbe obguba ab cjwf atf batfg bcf.”

“…Yt, gluta. Ktfc tbk jybea…”


P rtloafv ws ujhf ab Jtjmtj’r ygbkc yeaa. P mbeiv rff tfg teuf rabwjmt jcv tfjns evvfgr . Jtjmtj’r ajli oilmxfv yjmx jcv obgat, ecjyif ab mjiw vbkc. Aevulcu ys tfg mbcvlalbc, rtf wluta fnfc ulnf ylgat abcluta.

To a new life.

“I’ll think about it once the calf is born and I can see its eyes.” Leaning back on Sig, I relaxed.

There was a mysterious tickle in my chest. In that calming atmosphere, I kept my eyes fixed on her swaying tail. zugtal

Time continued to pass, the heater letting out the occasional noise to break the quiet of the snowy night.



The sound of Sig calling out my name and shaking my shoulder woke me up at once. Judging from the dim light inside the pen, it seemed like dawn was about to arrive. 7AVm1J

Chacha was still laying in the same place as last night. Just as I was wondering why she was giving off steam, a dark lump beside her body moved.

It was about the same size as a large dog. It lay on the hay, an also-steaming bucket nearby.

A calf had been born.

“Ah, ah, what should I do now? Hot water… it’s already there, so the towel!” I remembered a TV show where a vet wiped down newborn animals with a towel, and hurried to stand. Contrary to my rush, Sig was calm as he rose to his feet. rRWivT

Taking another look at the cows, I realized the mother had already started licking the calf’s body.

“I’ll go get a towel. Minoru, you look after the mother,” Sig said, placing a hand on my shoulder. As he opened the barn’s sliding door, the world outside was completely covered in snow. It seemed like it went past ankle-depth.

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Just like God had said, the snow already stopped.

A short while after we wiped down Chacha, the calf began to suckle for milk. AXB2Cd

As I watched the scene I recalled an excerpt from the manual.

Calves drank around three or four liters of milk a day. Because Chacha would produce five liters every day for her baby, we’d be able to get about an extra liter of milk each morning. My dairy recipes would probably flourish.

“Chacha, you’re amazing. You gave birth to such a great baby,” I praised, cleaning up the dirty hay. I left some food and water nearby, but Chacha sat down as soon as the calf finished drinking. She must have been tired.

The calf was so cute, I didn’t get bored of watching it for quite a while. 5i4SCt

After breakfast we went to shovel snow. I was peeking in the barn window to get another glimpse of the mother and child, when Sig popped up behind me and tapped on my shoulder.

“Minoru, do you have some time? I have something to say.”

Just from the straightforward look in his purple gaze, I could tell it must be something important. I kept quiet, nodding as I took his outstretched hand.

The cow’s status (milk production, etc.) has had considerable adjustments compared to a real cow. kFejdL

Translator's Note

Someone, please enlighten me whether this really happens or not…

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  1. They steam in the cold I’ve seen videos it’s crazy

    The calf’s when they come out steam, I guess bc their warm?

    I think it’s kinda how in the snow if you throw boiling water into the air it just becomes steam

    Thanks for the chapter

    • That’s really surprising! I thought I was translating it wrong for a second… XD

      Thank you for reading, jmekatv-san!

  2. They do steam if it’s very cold because they are very warm right after they are born. Thank you for the chapter and Happy New Year!

  3. Chacha delivered her baby and those two were sleeping right next to it?! Talking about heavy sleep fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. They steam right after they’re borne in the cold because they are moist and warm. If you soak you clothes in water then stand in the cold, you will start steaming. I did that once after falling out of a canoe on a cold day