It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Ch27.1 - Enlargement (Day 13)

Editors: sleepchaser, con

I couldn’t sleep. diQdSN

Had it been two hours since I’d gone to bed? I’d spent the past two days like this,  totally lacking sleep.

As I dozed off, the same memory kept echoing through my head. 

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“Men can also have kids.”

I couldn’t understand it. AliDkv

How could two men make children? I knew that the anus could be penetrated, but again, that was the anus. The waste chute, not some reproductive organ. It’s impossible for a man to get pregnant from anal sex.

…Or was it? Was it really impossible?

After all, I’d healed Sig’s wound just by licking it, just like magic. That shouldn’t have been possible for me either. 

Normally, it would be ‘impossible’, but the reality proved different. 


If I obtained a new occupational skill like “Licking Wounds,” then it should probably go something like this:


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

  1. [Occupational Skill: Conception (Fictional)] acquired
  1. Sex with Sig
  1. Pregnancy
  1. Childbirth


Ct, cb kjs. Ktja kjr lwqbrrlyif. zvbdKZ

Efujgvifrr bo rafq akb jcv atgff, P kjrc’a mbcolvfca atja P mbeiv fnfc regnlnf atf qjlc bo rafq obeg. P tfjgv atja atf qjlc bo mtlivylgat kjr ilxf “qeiilcu j kjafgwfibc bea bo sbeg cbrf.” Po la’r gfjiis atja rmjgs, atfgf’r cb kjs P mbeiv fcvegf la! Mgbw atf rajga, P tjv j ibk qjlc abifgjcmf, rb P wluta fnfc vlf lo la’r abb wemt obg wf.

However, my mother went through this pain to give birth to me.

“Your tribe has pregnancy, huh?”

Speaking of which, God’s previous words still remained a mystery. Was it true that Sig’s race didn’t get pregnant? hrPKuH

If I could skip step three and four, then even a man like me could have a child. My anxiety halved, but―

Where would the children come from?

I tossed and turned throughout the night, the coattails of slumber evading me. The bed creaked, and I could see a shadow through my closed eyes.

“You having trouble sleeping, Minoru?”  Vkzoyh

I cracked open my eyelids, catching sight of Sig before me. As soon as I’d heard his voice, the loneliness I’d felt in the middle of the darkness eased. 

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I woke you up…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Silent, Sig shook his head at my apology and got out of the bed. He left without putting anything on, so he might be getting a drink. 

Perhaps it was because we were both awake, but the room seemed much brighter than before. anT8R

I felt the urge to get some water as well, and just when my feet touched the floor, the door swung open again. 

“Minoru, drink this.” Sig handed me a glass of water, in his other hand a small piece of folded wax paper. I was still confused, but I recognized the wax paper. 

“You haven’t had a good sleep in the last few days, right?” he asked. I looked up in surprise, and he passed me the oil paper saying, “This is the sedative I made from the powdered shell. It’ll give you a good rest.”

“Sig…” ITKB8z

Were these the shell scrapings he’d collected that morning? It was hard for me to swallow the powder since Iwao’s face came to my mind, but my chest filled with warmth. 

The sedative made with Iwao’s powdered shell was so potent that it took effect straight away. 

I had a dream that night. 

One where I dug up a bamboo shoot with Sig, took it home, and cut it in two. Inside was a newborn chick.




It happened on the thirteenth day since I’d started living in this miniature garden.

I was preparing dinner in the living room after planting crops in the field. Nearby lay a pile of green soybeans I had harvested yesterday. I grabbed the spatula while holding back my yawn. Thanks to Sig I was able to sleep well last night, but the two days without sleep had started to affect me.  RcIsko

A breeze drifted through the open window of the southern side of the house, brushing past the curtain with a gentle sway. It was the kind of idle afternoon that made people sleepy. 

“Living here like this might not be so bad.”

Life was decent and Sig took care of me.

If what God had said was true, then we would have children, huh? Even if three children were impossible, we still could have at least one. After Sig’s dream of being a parent came true, I would live a happy life with my family in this world. It was a good plan.  UEm4LC

I wondered if I should just accept being a bride…


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“Yes!” I yelped, my back going taut as I snapped the green soybeans I was holding in two, the beans inside popping into the air. A handsome man had shown up outside the window. Because of the direction my thoughts had gone down, my heart was about to jump out of my chest. 

After Sig finished planting the field, he would’ve gone to draw water. It seemed like I had been daydreaming for quite a while.  Hel D0

Sig leaned on the open bay window. “The field is strange today. Come have a look, Minoru.” 

Translator's Note

This might’ve been based from ‘The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter’, which means Minoru is dreaming that Mustard and his harems become their child because he just can’t comprehend how can Sig and him have human children from his body||萌||ョ´∀`。)萌えぇ~↑ IMAGINE THAT PRINCESS KAGUYA IS A CUTE LITTLE CHICK I’M UWU

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  1. is it really gonna be a bamboo shoot or kaguya-hime style birth?

    or will they first talk about the non-pregnancy and birth of Sig’s previous world?

    Thank you for the wonderful chapter! 😍

  2. Minoru: ” I wondered if I should just accept being a bride”


    Here, take my blessings


  3. Did Minoru’s dream foreshadow something? If not then I really want to see Minoru ask Sig about how babies are made in his tribe. Not sure why, just think that it’d be cute;;

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Poor Minoru

    Again, lack of communication here.

    If only Sig told him how his tribe gets children.

    Maybe it’s different.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  5. I must have been too… uhm… that

    to think that sig wanted to use the sleeping meds for *other* purposes…

  6. Aish.. I want to see Minoru getting pregnant.. 😣😣

  7. What happened to the field?! Is there a monster lurking there? Or It’s dying? Or It’s the baby coming already?! They’ll have a sprout? Hahaha

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Guys, it’s only been 13 days. I think it’s good enough that he’s considering being a bride already. Children will and should take a while no? It’s a serious decision. Thanks for the chapter 😊😍

  9. Am I the only one that would be asking questions about the bridge?

    Since time resets back to the moment he first came over, does that mean he can spend the next 70 years here and then go back, be young again and have his other life?
    Can Sig cross the bridge?
    Will he keep his memories once he crosses the bridge?
    Can he come back after leaving?

    Because, if he can come back and keep his memories, even if it is just once or twice, he can age to 70, leave. Go back to 25. Come back and spend another 50 years with Sig since his race grow old slower and live longer.

    Will any kids they have be able to leave? Or will they have to die alone or have someone from the outside brought in for them?