It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Ch26.1 - Licking Wounds

Editors: sleepchaser, con

I could hear the continuous sound of flowing water.  qzOrCt

Sig drew a substantial amount of water from the well every morning. So much so that it could fill the giant bathtub, be used for showers, and even run the washing machine. Our newly-purchased “washing machine” was the kind that recycled our bathwater, but still. We’d never suffered a water shortage. 

If I turned on the tap, I would get clean water, as though it were something I should have without restriction. 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I could also take a long soak in a hot bath every night. What happiness.

It’s all thanks to Sig. O4Y1nP

“Minoru, what happened to your finger?”

Hearing a voice beside my ear, I returned to my senses. Sig was standing next to me. I pulled my index finger away from the stream of water. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf rtbeiv’nf yffc kbgxlcu rlifcais lc atf ilnlcu gbbw pera cbk. Lf tjv yffc rtjgqfclcu atf yijvfr bo atf jzf jcv rlmxif, atfc mgertlcu rbwfatlcu lc j wbgajg jcv kgjqqlcu atf gfreialcu ktlaf qbkvfg lc bli qjqfg. P kbcvfgfv ktja la kjr. 

Qtfc P uijcmfv ja atf ajyif, la kjr jigfjvs mifjc. Dbat atf jzf jcv atf rlmxif kfgf ubcf. 


I did it again.

Once my mind was hooked on something, I would continue to dwell on it. Even after a long time had passed, I couldn’t move on because I would still worry about the same thing over and over.  

Just that morning, God had cheerfully said “Do your best to make a child!” while I was standing in front of the chicken pen. I shot him down straight away, replying that it was impossible. A man like me couldn’t have a child.

A strange pause stretched on before God said, “I see… your tribe has pregnancy, huh?”  trdP6


What was that supposed to mean? If someone wanted to have a child, they needed to conceive and give birth. That’s just how it was. 

“The way Sig’s race makes children is special. But it might be a little difficult for you to understand the process…” 

No, please don’t hesitate to tell me. U Ry0g

What God said next made me swallow the words on the tip of my tongue. One sentence overturned the common sense I’d spent my whole life accumulating. I couldn’t believe it. 

To put it simply, men can also have kids.”


No, no. What was that bomb he just dropped? That’s impossible. YmxVjA

I don’t think I can explain it properly. If you want to know the details, just ask your beloved husband! He’ll definitely teach you everything you need to know!” 

It was true. The quickest way to get answers would be to ask the person in question. I knew that. Yet…

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Sig, may I ask you something? Please tell me how to make a child. Or rather, where do babies come from? 

As if I could ask that…! Zpx6oh

“Minoru?” Sig shook my shoulder, and I returned to my senses once more. He had already shut off the tap, the finger I’d been soaking under the water now held in his grasp. 

“…Ah, sorry. I was a little out of it just now.” 

“It’s turning red.”

My right index finger was a bit burnt. Although I put in under water to cool it immediately, the soft skin on the side still stung a little.  t8qxPQ

“Oh, yeah… my hands had slipped when I was chucking out some hot water.” 

That was also because I had been daydreaming. How embarrassing. 

“This kind of wound will heal just by licking it, so don’t worry, Sig.”

I wanted to let him know it wasn’t a big deal, just a light graze. I wasn’t sure if my wording was right, but it should have been. After all, Sig also nodded with his serious face, and said “That’s right.”  N6Ob15

And then, he licked my finger. 


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