It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Chapter 25.2

Editors: sleepchaser, con

“Minoru, we should head to the field soon,” Sig said, snapping me back to my senses.   ztBiuC

“Ah, that’s right!”

After having our lunch near the spring, I had been daydreaming while listening to the waterfall, and did not notice how much time had passed. 

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I rushed to clean up the lunch box, but before I could finish, something cold touched my cheeks. Sig’s fingertips. They were always cold.

“Your face is pale. Is there something on your mind?”  L2c7A3

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ah… no, er… I’m a little scared since there are a lot of centipedes in the field these days,” I lied, my mind a mess. 

Rb, ktja P rjlv kjrc’a jmaejiis j ilf, yea atf mfcalqfvfr kfgfc’a ktja P’v yffc atlcxlcu jybea pera atfc. 

Vlu agjmfv ws mtffxr klat tlr mbiv olcufgr, atfc ugjvejiis qeiifv atfw jkjs. “P’ii ajxf mjgf bo atf olfiv. Tbe mjc gfra tfgf obg j ktlif.” 

“Dea―jt.” Ds atf alwf P ibbxfv eq, Vlu tjv jigfjvs aegcfv jgbecv jcv rilqqfv atgbeut atf agffr. “…Ktlr lr cb ubbv. P tjnf ab ufa j uglq bc wsrfio.”


My mind was blank, and I couldn’t think of anything.

It had been like that since the morning, when God told me about how to work the “bridge.”  

”There’s something I want to ask about the bridge.”

Thanks to Sig’s kindness, my financial problems were almost eliminated. All I had to do now was save up until I reached the target amount.  aZvDmH

However, I still had to deal with the “usage conditions” before I could purchase the bridge.  Earlier, I’d decided not to worry about it until I could purchase the bridge, but now I felt I should at least ask about it sometime soon.  

I had no issues with the condition about raising the level of the “Miniature Garden.” What I didn’t understand was the part about having more than three people here. 

When I had asked back then, God explained, “This world will not function properly unless there are two or more people inside. If you want to leave, you’ll need to make sure there’s another person here in your stead.”

In other words, it wasn’t a typo or a bug. That condition was real.  UBlOdY

“But, isn’t the miniature garden only able to hold two people?”

“That’s right. Counting Sig, one other person can enter. That makes it two people.”

I couldn’t understand at all. If only two people could enter this world, then it didn’t make sense that a third person was needed to use the bridge.

Without any hesitation, God said, “It’s simple. Anything born in this world doesn’t count.  Minoru, do you remember the ‘plan’ I told you about on the first night?”  2YOHtZ

I struggled to recall,  and “oh” escaping my lips once I managed to remember. 

”I made this miniature garden for him. (Omitted) And then they’d be surrounded by many children and live happily ever after―”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

It was that. God had indeed inform me of his “plan.”  

The problem was in the wording. In the first place, there was no way Sig could be surrounded with children if the capacity really was limited to two people. That’s why God left a loophole. Those that were born inside this world wouldn’t be counted toward the capacity limit. KAGg9W

Those that were born.

Thinking of the conversation up until now, I was able to read the situation. My face went pale. “In other words, this ‘third person’ is―”

“Do your best to make a child!” 

It’s impossible! rya4sv

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  1. Lol, God knows that Mirou needs to get back home (or was that a lie?) but still wants sigs to be happy and have a family.

    Sigs, your “father” is downright manipulative,

  2. Hahaha… I’d like to see how!!?? Someone please tell me if this a mpreg..

    I wonder what their child will look like🤔🤔

  3. Minoru, I beg, no, I IMPLORE you to use you brain for once! 😿

    You know that God is Sig’s “father”. You might have noticed that he modelled this worldlet after the world Sig is from. You also remember that before you cleared up your misunderstandings, Sig was hoping to have children with you. Then isn’t it logical to surmise that in Sig’s original world (and therefore, in this worldlet) it would actually be possible for you to “have” a baby? You can just ask Sig what exactly having children entails in his world and think what you can do. Though of course emulating an ostrich is much easier…

    P.S. Sorry for the rant 😳

    • Mmmm. I’ve been pretty dissatisfied with his lack of proper communication and general cowardice but this one, I really do sympathize with him. I think it has more to do with shock. He’s a man. I think it’s very unreasonable for him to be ok with it and try to find out more information. Denial is a pretty normal response.

  4. Bring on the grandkids! Thanks for the chapters!

  5. Last night I dreamed about Minoru and Sig’s children. A lot (anywhere from 8-11) of them had Minoru’s black hair and Sig’s purple eyes. But there was one tiny one with Minoru’s eyes and Sig’s blonde hair! They were all around toddler age although the oldest ones could walk ^_^

  6. This is the one place where I really sympathize with the dude. It must’ve been so freaky to be told to make a child with essentially a stranger to leave the place. Even though it’s a considerate and beautiful stranger. Thanks for the chapter 😊😍

  7. I just wish that sig and minaru too have a baby bun and can leave to minaru’s world whenever they wanted but wu wu wu wu…..

    Thanks for translating