Holding Onto My ManChapter 99


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Translator's Note

Credit to Sleep for helping me translate this term. 妾 or qiè is a deprecatory way on how women address themselves, so it can be used as either I or your servant, it is mostly seen being used by concubines in ancient China.

Translator's Note

Credit to El for the helping me translate this term. 上仙 shàng xiān – 上 adds more respect to the word, whilst 仙 can mean immortal. Unfortunately, due to the previous TL using “Great Immortal”, Evan our lovely editor, decided to keep the translation consistent and so now you get this ugly version.

Translator's Note

Credit to wiki: 浮雕 – A type of sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material. To create a sculpture in relief is to give the impression that the sculpted material has been raised above the background plane. Click here for more information on relief sculptures.

Translator's Note

Context: “one by one” was changed to “immediately”.
JJ: technically “one by one” is correct, I just thought that “immediately” fits better for yiyi in the context.

Translator's Note

Credit to JJ for helping me with this sentence

Translator's Note

Thank you JJ once again for helping me with this paragraph, bowing down to you

Translator's Note

Credit to joui for helping me with this passage, I had a lot of trouble with this one

Translator's Note

JJ: lol where’s their professionalism?

Translator's Note

JJ: normally it would be buried, but they’re technically in the ‘tomb’ already

Translator's Note

Not really important but just to inform any readers who are curious, in the raws the author typo-ed “Admiral” which is 上将 instead she used the characters for “General” which is 将军.

Translator's Note

Evan: Referring to the task world, not the planet they’re on

Translator's Note

credit to JJ cause I completely forgot to mtl this line orz

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  1. Ooh~~ So many mysterious!! I’m so curious!! I wonder what happened to Gu Bai??

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Mier…. esta vez no regresó al espacio blanco, sino que los inmortales que le hicieron perder sus recuerdos ya saben que está vivo, pero ¿qué pasó en verdad?…. lo que no saben es que ese Loco, ya sabe que GB está de regreso

  3. So….are they the villains or are these mysterious people the villains? 🤣🤣🤣 everyone’s scared shitless because of them.

  4. hmmm I guess YC was some kind of heaven’s general before or most prob demon’s lord or sth?Since GB and YC were pointing swords towards each other at the beginning. Then they these romeo n juliet fell in love?But they defy Heaven’s will?Lol Im prob just writing my own story (・。・;