Holding Onto My ManChapter 98


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Translator's Note

this whole idiom is just a message saying ‘don’t be obsessed with material possessions’

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  1. Yay! I had just checked an hour ago if there was a new update bc I was missing this novel!!! What a coincidence!!! ^w^ Thanks for the chapter!!!

  2. Translator sama uwu~~~ u finally made an appearance crying

  3. The whole thing is keeping me on pins and needles!! Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Haha f*cking knew it, I knew the tomb was somehow connected to Gu Bai and Ye Cang. I can’t wait for the next chapter 🤩

  5. cough I kinda forgot who Ye Cang is. The name sounds familiar but can someone help me out? :Pleading_eyes:

  6. Will there be more details from the admiral and Bai’s past? ‹•.•›

    Thank you for the update! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  7. So something happened between them …someone probably tried to break them away from each other. Idk why Gu Bai split himself into 2.. but that’s also probably one of the reason why Ye Cang is looking for him. His other half is it the one when someone mentioned “Ying” or was it Yi?. They said they were guarding something, someone who’s name is a taboo. This was not a tomb maybe, but a place where his memories are stored? He made this so when his other half comes, it will help him remember?

    So where is ye cang trapped? Hmmm I’m so confused I wanna complete everything

  8. As expected, the past them are enemies that turn into lovers. And then had a tragedy where one is trapped, the other is killed? If Ye Cang is indeed the Underworld Boss, then the fact the interstellar people can’t reincarnate and go to underworld is because of this interference of this “tomb” because it seems it is just a gallery museum in the end lol . I wonder what happened to Bai before.

  9. Don’t know why but I suddenly had the urge to listen to the song, “Endless Love” , from the movie, “The Myth”…🤧