Holding Onto My ManChapter 97


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  1. Even though this suddenly became a horror story, I still feel like I was feed with a mouthful of dog food at the end! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Lmaoo Gu Bai duality is so great!!! I’m wonder who this Tomb Master is? Feels a little suspicious

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  3. thank you for the chapter! imagine if the tomb owner is actually, an empty coffin xd (my chips are that he’s ML’s fragment or something)

  4. Tomb master can be the ML, or ML’s enemy, or maybe Bai —

    Hmm… /suspicious/

    Anyway, thanks for the chapter!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  5. I feel like he is the tomb master. (Gu Bai is what I’m saying) I feel like Ye Cang is one of the guards.

  6. Waiting for the chapters 😫👩‍🦳☠️…

  7. It’s either the ML or MC’s tomb 🤣 one of them it’s okay. But it’d be funny if it was the MC though lmfao

  8. Who would have thought that a dog blood can save them and a dog food can erase some of Thier fears haha long live doggo!! wooof! woof!