Holding Onto My ManChapter 95


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Translator's Note

三个臭皮匠赛过一个诸葛亮 -> Zhuge Liang is the hero of the fictional tale Romance of Three Kingdoms, and cobblers are people who fix shoes

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Implied as a human sacrifice, as this ghost concubine had been for her king (accompanying the king in death)

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  1. Is it only me or I feel the chapter is kind of short .

    More please so addicted to this novel ah

  2. Oho, here’s the face slapping for these prejudiced peeps. Wonder how this’ll be resolved?

    Thank you for the chapter!!!!!

  3. Always surprised when this gets updated. Thanks for the chapter! ^^

  4. Thank you for the chapter… not sure how this will be resolved, but can’t wait to see what happens

    translator-sama please don’t leave

  5. Idk why but I just randomly thought… what if those corpses became dancing zombies😂 What is wrong with me…

    Thanks for the chap♡