Holding Onto My ManChapter 91


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Translator's Note

It really did repeat the word five times in the raws

Translator's Note

a person with a thick face is someone who offers advice or criticism without being bothered by their hypocrisy. To act brazen

Translator's Note

originally like that in the raws

Translator's Note

A seemingly small or inconsequential issue, problem, or burden that proves to be the final catalyst in causing an overworked or overburdened person, system, organization, etc., to fail, give up, or collapse.

Translator's Note

草包, cǎo bāo = It means idiot but it can also mean straw bag LMAO

Translator's Note

西周 Xī Zhōu = Western Zhou (1027-771 BC). It was the longest ruling dynasty in the history of China.

The Zhou Dynasty is often divided up into the Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou periods. The first part of the Zhou Dynasty is the Western period. This was a time of relative peace. Around 770 BC the Zhou king lost control of some of his territories. Many of his lords rebelled and took over the capital city. The son of the Zhou king escaped to the east, however, and built a new capital. The dynasty that ruled from the new eastern capital is called the Eastern Zhou.

Here are the sources that can give you more information on the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty period:

Translator's Note

捶胸顿足 chuí xiōng dùn zú
= to beat one’s chest and stamp one’s feet (idiom)

Translator's Note

男神 nán shén = It actually translates to Mr Perfect, Adonis and/or Prince Charming

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  1. Oh my godd the moment I feel oh look at him go, gu bai did a 360° (cux he change and change again) and spew those embarrassment worthy words ahhhhh so cute but also so (>////<)

  2. Hahaha, I think the lovestruck fool in this case shohld be the admiral. Gu Bai is holding himself together fairly well, all things considering. 😉😉😘

  3. Dog food….throwing dog food everywhere~~~

    Me:facepalmsyou gotta be kidding me.

  4. I was at the kissing part when an ad popped up. It was a woman wearing a swimsuit. Somehow it made me calm down. Lmao😂

    When the Admiral was asking Gu Bai if he needs to calm down again. He’s clearly asking for a kiss~ These two are really throwing dog foods shamelessly. I’m afraid I’m gonna be fat by the end of this arc. 😶 Thank you, thank you for the chapter! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Gracias por la actualización

    Solo esperen y verán, Gu Bai es mucho mas valioso que todos ustedes juntos

  6. Admiral is more shameless than Gu Bai! 😂

    This couple shove dog food to everyone, even the readers cant take it. Thanks for the chapter!

  7. wait wait…tomb with taoti and ancient emperor symbol…world that had gone through an apocalypse…hmmm. MC had been a taoti and ML and emperor. MC had also lived through apocalyptic era. Hmmm…Could he have been revisiting same planet all these times?

    *Ignoring all of the embarrassing dog food…feel pity for the king and their families

  8. I have trained in cold waters for weeks and read this with minimal facial expressions. I can say that I no longer feel secondhand embarrassment. Thank you, great elders of reading, BL in public.

  9. So funny! I’m so curious about the tomb!

    Thank you for the update! 😊


  10. Entonces algo malo está resguardado en esa tumba, mientras tanto nuestros protagonistas peralten comida para perros, mientras el mundo solo critica a GB, debo decir que eso de afecto publico… hasta a mi e irritó, si estuvieran sólitos, con gusto me disfruto su comida para perros primium, pero con tantas mocas al rededor … en verdad no es pasable jajaja

  11. Just the kind of heroine we need! Thank you for helping TLC this chapter! Thank you Evan for editing! 💐💐🙇‍♀️💕 Thank you Cat for working hard 💐🙇‍♀️💕

    I really am curious as to what’s inside the ‘tomb’ is it another fragment of the ML which will help him recovee his memories in this world or keep his memories the next world? 🤔 also, isn’t the ML too thirsty and no one of his blind fans can see the yellow intentions of his? 😂 Ye Cang, you sly sly gong 🤣 enjoy it while it lasts

  12. I feel like i’m losing my face in this arc… ฅ’ω’ฅ

  13. After a couple of of chapters of this shameless flirting, I’m finally able to read this without needing to look away for a moment because of second-hand embarrassment-

    Anyways, this so- cute?? It’s so adorable- the dog food is too much- help

  14. this Arc is by far my fave ❤️ their shamelessness and flirting are 🙈 i love it!!! ❤