Holding Onto My ManChapter 83


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Translator's Note

old third, how Xue Han refers to Xue Yunfeng

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  1. And then he will probably see what had happened after his death . 🤔

    Not a spoiler but a guess 😊

    Thank you for an update💗

  2. When does he confess he was impotent… XD XD XD


  3. I feel Rong Yi is going to somehow save XYF and XYF is going to regret what he did. Oof I wonder how he’ll get together with XH after

  4. Ah, al final el príncipe renunció por completo a la persona que dijo amar en la otra vida, debido a sus dudas y malos entenidos, pero incluso renacido… pereció igual.

  5. I actually really enjoy this arc because we see even though ML is possessive & perverted & yandere he won’t actually do it to MC if MC seems like he doesn’t want it. This makes me feel better about that gaming arc too, which I know made others upset as well.