Holding Onto My ManChapter 76


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Translator's Note

xiangyun is a type of silk made in China. Ziran is a clothing brand that uses that specific type of silk in their clothing.
Link to their site: https://theziran.com/)

Translator's Note

This is referring to his past lives

Translator's Note

For those who happened to forget, 夜苍 or Yè Cāng which the ye comes from night or is a variant of 夜, whilst the cang comes from being a surname as well as being described as dark blue, deep green, or ash-gray. Oh, and fun fact, since “ye” means night, MTL likes to call ML’s name as Night crow

Translator's Note

饕餮 tāo tiè – ferocious mythological animal, the fifth son of the dragon king. Zoomorphic mask motif, found on Shang and Zhou ritual bronzes gluttonous.
Kind of something like this:

Translator's Note


ok don’t mind me just freaking out here

Translator's Note

追杀 – chase to kill

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  1. I agree with Evan. When the title was mentioned… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my tears!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ i love it when the title of the novel is mentioned. ❤❤❤❤ thanks for the hard work finishing this arc!!!!

  2. Omg when the title was name dropped like that… the satisfaction was so strong I felt like a person finished dieting and was finally allowed to gorge on cake…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. Aww I hope they can defeat their enemies! I wonder how Gu Bai changed his soul tho hmmm

    Thank you for the chapter~

  4. I don’t know way but when taotie was mentioned it reminded me of the taotie from TGFNSYL. Both look pitiful one from being chased by people and the other from his brother’s training 🤣🤣😅

  5. builds an altar


  6. Eh? Aren’t there only two more arcs? This next one and then Gu Bai’s original world??? Did I miss an arc from the raws? :0

  7. Thanks for the update, really hope that you update the instellar arc fast, it my favourite arc 😂😂

  8. Thank u for the translation! It’s very interesting for me to see mc and ml meet rn while mc still have worlds to hop on

  9. Mina, Cat and Evan: thanks for the great translations and hard work.

  10. Wait, my dude Ye Cang said his soul will only ever have feelings towards MC but wasn’t there that one arc where he was smitten (temporarily, of course c;) with a cold, beautiful disciple called Mo Haige? Think it was around chapter 20ish.

    Thank you for translating this! 😀

  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the title was mentioned ☆:. o(≧▽≦)o .:☆ and I really love the way he calls him “HIS MAN” ☆:. o(≧▽≦)o .: