Holding Onto My ManChapter 73


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Translator's Note

从长计议 cóng cháng jì yì – to take one’s time making a decision (idiom); to consider at length

Translator's Note

易守难攻 – easily guarded, hard to attack

Translator's Note

表哥 – Older male cousin via female line

Translator's Note

So the raws only had 白 which is half of Gu Bai’s name. I originally wanted to translate it to “A restless White” to make it sound cutesy but it was 2:1 with the votes so it’s Bai. Bai means white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; and many other meanings

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  1. It’s nice seeing the protagonist (Shen Muze) reflect on his actions. Some nice character development 👌

    And awww Zombie MC and human ML are so adorable ❤️

    Thank you so much Cat for your translations 💕 and Happy belated Valentine’s day

  2. What a wild arc, it’d be so nice if other quick transmigration stories went as off the rails as this one~

    Thanks for the chapterThanks for the chapter

  3. Cured!! XD XD XD


  4. The plot in this arc is all over the place 😂

    P.S. Somehow I feel sorry for Shen Muze – I hope he’ll have a better life this time…

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  5. Lol, the comment “staying in bed” can be taken by couples and single dogs in completely different ways 😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  6. Finally, a new character with character development 😌. I was just about getting tired with ori-prota