Holding Onto My ManChapter 72


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Translator's Note

Thank you to rinrin (Rinisnotgold#5762) for helping me with this passage. Rinrin’s professional help: So it’s more like “even if he wanted to try something spicy/racy/hardcore (do a little risque stuff), reality was stark and didn’t allow it, as the sky outside grew darker and darker (cuz 来点什么 is basically wanting to do something sexual, and 重口味 would be hardcore/since the situation is probably a bit dangerous/unusual?)

Translator's Note

So in the raws it actually doesn’t specifically mention who was who, so i got really confused and just added in ‘Master Shen’ to help both me and you readers

Translator's Note

So last week I read over some comments kind of asking why a helicopter had a cabin, which is very much understandable. You see the last couple of chapters in the raw was actually ‘plane’ and not ‘helicopter’ but we changed it to ‘helicopter’ since it made more sense in the way they flew it and idk controlled it? But, in this chapter the author actually wrote ‘helicopter’ 直升机, which like… which is it author?!?! So my team and I are still gonna keep it as helicopter even though the author keeps interchanging the word.

Translator's Note

月蚀 yuè shí – variant of 月食 yuè shí which means lunar eclipse, except the yuè character means moon, month and monthly

Translator's Note

月食 yuè shí – this time author uses the variant 月食 (lunar eclipse) and not the 月蚀 characters

Translator's Note

卧槽 wò cáo – It’s internet slang for WTF or fuck

Translator's Note

full raw of this sentence is = 这TMD到底什么情况?TMD stands for; 他妈的 ta ma de which in English is damn it! or fucking. Overall it’s a Chinese internet slang or just a censored curse word

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  1. it was the umbrella corporation…. XD XD XD


  2. Thank you for update!! This arc and instellar arc after this is my favourite arc in this story. I cant wait for the next arc, expect more funny moment!

  3. Will GB ever have his rationality back? Or will he remain as zombie (dog) Bai??? Tune in, in the next episode of…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  4. O.O nothing happened… As I had expected haha, I definitely have the purest mind~ I wonder how they will defeat the source of the apocalypse!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  5. Thank you so so so much.

    My friend recommended this story to me and I’m so happy I listen to her.

    You are a hero for translating for us.

  6. Será, que una vez que GB se recupere su MC ¿se lo come? jajajajaja, pero es lindo ver que es un gatito al lado de su esposo.

  7. Could it be it is something for Gu Bai to eat again, like that system lol. Is it to reduce the goriness of human eating something yucky that he become zombie with tiny consciousness 🤣🤣. And I can’t get enough of the meng zombie Bai is selling~