Holding Onto My ManChapter 70


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Translator's Note

like TMD, it’s another curse word

Translator's Note

“Losing face” = 丢人
人 = human, So they replaced human with 丧尸 = zombie making:丢丧尸 = “Losing (zombie) face” lol

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  1. Zombie sister-in-law. Now this is better! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 that stupid reborn protag needs to be fed to the zombies. The original host is really stupid to want to protect the protag.

  2. “A human that actually wants to eat a zombie, how fierce… But I like it a lot!” Aww throwing so much dog food at me, my heart is going to stop beating! Gu Bai, I hope you get better~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. I love having MCs memories gone and making him overcome being a zombie. This arc is great ♡ Thank you for translating!

  4. oh dear, I do worry about his food supply.


  5. THIS:

    “This man is so scary. I just licked him a little, but he seems to want to eat me. A human that actually wants to eat a zombie, how fierce… But I like it a lot!”

    I died Lol 😂😂😂

  6. Dweeb: My Wife is a Gangster!

    ML: My Wifey is a Zombie! 😎✨

    Bwaahahaahahhahah! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  7. “A human that actually wants to eat a zombie, how fierce… But I like it a lot! (≥◇≤)

    -this made me do a spit take


  8. this is no longer dog food. this is zombie food, scattered around by ML and Zombie Bai. 😂😂🤣(っ ̆ڡ ̆ς)

  9. This is my favourite arc so far because of the human/zombie makeout session…

    (๑˃ᴗ˂) ﻭ (ˉ▽ ̄~)

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  10. kkkk zumbi bai!!! thanks for the update

  11. Hahahahaha (⌒▽⌒) loved this chapter, thank you 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

    This man is so scary. I just licked him a little, but he seems to want to eat me. A human that actually wants to eat a zombie, how fierce… But I like it a lot! (≥◇≤)

  12. I think GB’s cuteness level ascended to a whole new realm.

    RIP for ML, he guna die of cuteness.

    Thank you for the chapter!

    Zombie Wifey Arc☆

  13. jajajaja la versión Zombi y Yaoi de los Culler jajajaja, me pregunto, ¿qué le darán de comer?, ¿podrá GB aumentar su conciencia y vender el qi demoniaco?, eso espero.

    En cuanto al ML… sí fue una mala idea dejarlo… Arrepientete de tu pecado de haberlo dejado sin tí

  14. Rather than eating dog food it felt more like eating dog shit🤣🤣🤣

  15. ive always skipped zombie apocalypse arcs in QTs and novels cuz im not really fond of that trope, but this one is unexpectedly fun, exciting and cute wuwu it makes me feel like im missing a lot by skipping them,, from now on I’ll never skip arcs like this again.

  16. “Special desire to knock down that man, and then… and then he didn’t know”

    Moment of silence for my boy Gu Bai who forgot how to fuck 😔

  17. Hahahahaah! I’m loving this. Though the writing and story is not quite up to the standard of Quickly Wear The Face of the Devil, I more than appreciate them going there. I really thought that he would have saved himself and turned into some kinda super zombie controller or something of the sort. Never expected him to turn into an actual zombie!