Holding Onto My ManChapter 69


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Translator's Note

大嫂 dà sǎo – older brother’s wife; sister-in-law; elder sister (respectful appellation for an older married woman). Lol Xiao Li’s subordinates are now calling Gu Bai, Xiao Li’s wife. Gu Bai is one step away from officially making Xiao Li his.

Translator's Note

萧先生 Xiān sheng – Mister (Mr.), other meanings using the xiān sheng is teacher, husband; doctor (dialect). I t/n-ed this to show the difference that is, Shen Muze and the bodyguards here used Xiān sheng and not like Xiao Li’s subordinates who use 老板 (lǎo bǎn, sorry I just thought it was kind of interesting how the author chose to separate the two

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    • thanks for the new chapter btw sksksk was just passing by and managed to be the first to find this chapter…i think/hope? 😅🌺💞

  1. To be honest, I kinda guess this would happen 😂😂😂 Zombified-Gu Bai is so cute ah (●´ω`●)

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. This is such a cute moment!

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  3. OMG!! This was so cute😍😍😍😍

    I want Gu Bai’s pov. his thoughts r sure to be entertaining!!

    Thank you for the chapter!!☺️

  4. Thank you for the chapter!

    Is Gu Bai going to become a zombie king if can’t become an ability user and save the world? Interesting!!

  5. This is wonderful I’m glad things didn’t end abruptly with the sad end of last chapter.☺

    Thank you for the chapter!💕

  6. This cliffhanger just make my HP drop from 100% to 80%

    I knew I should wait for at least 2 chapter before reading uwu

  7. Hehe even as a little zombie, Gu Bai is so cute~ I’m sure he will get better!

    Thank you for the chapter~

  8. Oh? Halfway already? That was fast O.o

    Thank you for the chapter!

    Awwww, GB must’ve awaken when ML came for him.

  9. Thank goodness Gu Bai still had his conciousness! And he’s still attached to Xiao Li 💕

    And Xiao Li still adores him 💕

    But will the dark energy affect our system host Gu Bai in the end? Or will that energy end up powering his system? 🤔

    Thank you for the wonderful translation 💕

  10. This is great lmao, kick away the Shen kid and let the cross-species romance begin!

  11. Super happy that he didn’t have to evolve first.


  12. honestly, this time i dont really blame shen muze, he’s just a tiny fool and at least he still has a conscience and feels remorse. zombified gu bai is so cute i-

  13. Thank you very much😊😸😺😼❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖♥♥♥♥

  14. jajajaja este GB, creo que pudo salvar su cerebro gracias a su cultivo, entonces tenemos a un semi-zombi lindo o tenemos a un Zombi ultra inteligente?… como sea creo que el ML debe estar lamentando sus decisiones pasadas sobre GB

  15. I’m laughing hard at 3 am because I read the zombies’ comment when Su Yu threw himself to Xiao Li like a docile kitten! Please, take a responsbility!

  16. Sigh …. am i a masochist or sadist or what… it seems that i really like tormenting the ml huehuehuehue(dont mind the weird laugh lmaoo)

    • Don’t worry, we all laugh like that but- right!!!! It just gives a special kind of satisfaction!!! And you know what, you just met a fellow “masochist or sadist or what..”! Have a great day!

    • There’s always that part of us that love seeing the ml being tormented. You’re so right tho we all laugh that way, that weird laugh is the SM talking….

  17. Lmao .. this is to be totally expected from our love infatuated fools .. I am loving GB more and more with every arc ❤❤

  18. I WAS READY TO CRY! But then he did that 🤣🤣🤣🤣 my tears were ready to launch but now what am I going to do with this reservoir. This crazy mc hahahahaha still holding onto his man rven when he’s a man eating zombie

  19. Awwwww!!!!! Goddddd!!!! Great lord, that’s too cute! Save me, I think I’m dying from the cuteness! (Times a billion)

    Anyway, thank you for the chapter and take care!!! I hope you and your lovely helpers have a great day!!