Holding Onto My ManChapter 66


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Translator's Note

around 31 miles

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  1. The kid really is too naive… acting like that would make you more suspicious.

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Poor MC just wants to get laid. Earlier, the reborn guy said there’d be six months until the apocalypse truly begins. This implies that the MC has been trying to seduce the ML for an entire… six months. Poor guy must be so sexually frustrated, especially since he’s a horny teenager.

  3. m-m-m I’m anticipating the apocalypse part so much~💛 that shen muze is so fu*ked, instead of doing te right thing he digs deeper and deeper. not to mention, imagine his surprise when gu bai comes along with his space, the jaw drop will break his leg, i bet you

  4. I’m rooting for Shen Muze to have a happy ending.

    I’m rooting for Gu Bai to have the other kind of happy ending. XD XD XD


  5. Deshonor a tu familia, deshonor a tus ancestros, deshonor a tu vaca… han pasado meses y el gong no se ha comido a GB… usted merece un castigo por ello.

    Mientras tanto las orejas de los subordinados están a punto de tener nuevas orejas jajajaajaj

    Ahora, este niño Shen en verdad es mimado… puedo ver como celó a SY en el pasado perdiendo así el favor de su padre y hermano, tal parece que no aprendió nada.

  6. Why do I have this weird conjecture that MC’s org host is Shen familiy’s real biological son?

  7. “Besides, I prefer riding people…”

    MC said this out loud. Right to the face of a violently possessive and jealous ML. How did ML not even twitch at that?

    • Xiao Li is too restrained here, is he going to burst soon and fck Gu Bai like a beast in rut like how the MC on FOD Extra 2(?) , the monk guy fck Yunsheng (coz you know he’s a monk he can’t just release his yang essence coz his body would malfunction)

  8. Hahaha lol

    Re-reading this really cracks me up since I can’t help but to compare how this world arc reacts half year later like Covid19

  9. I can’t believe that the bodyguards wanted their boss to coughs the little temptress IN THE CAR!!!! 🤣🤣🤣