Holding Onto My ManChapter 55


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Translator's Note

变脸. Bian Lian is an ancient Chinese dramatic art that is part of the more general Sichuan opera. Performers wear brightly colored costumes and move to quick, dramatic music. The “faces,” or masks, change quickly throughout the act.

Translator's Note

太阳一定打西边出来了. meaning this is something that should be impossible.

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  1. These two are already so sticky as man and dog! Once the dog becomes human… 😂🐕

  2. Gu Bai’s hilarious in this arc! And super cute, of course ☺ I can’t wait for him to transform into a human – the fur will definitely fly then.

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  3. XD XD XD Wait until he transforms.


    • Bai wiggling into Emperor’s clothes with only small butt and wagging tail showing… Thank you for this cute update!!!

  4. Hehehehehehehe ominous laughter

    Merry Christmas, and thanks for the translation!

  5. Could a favored imperial concubine like herself really be inferior to a dog…?

    Me: Really can

    Thank you for this chapter

  6. Could a favored imperial concubine like herself really be inferior to a dog…?

    Me: Really can

    Thank you for this chapter

  7. En verdad ese sistema es algo, mira que absorver, así de la nada el poder de Bai.

    Mientras tanto, calma emperador, calma… es un cachorro

  8. wish i could see that kiss for reals….. my brain cant seem to imagine it 😅😁

  9. Ms. Concubine-whose-name-isnt-worth-remembering, to gain the emperor’s favor, you have to become a dog too! Oh wait, you’re already a fvcking bit¢h!

  10. damn ~ Drag her out for execution! After being granted much favor, Consort Ru has grown arrogant. She will be caned fifty times, demoted one rank, and put on house arrest for three months.

    His love is too extreme to mess with 👁👄👁

  11. I feel bad for that general manager eunuch.He thinks his emperor is into bestiality😅I think so too

  12. “Could a favored imperial concubine like herself really be inferior to a dog…?”

    Sooo… who’s gonna tell her?