Holding Onto My ManChapter 53


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Translator's Note

萌 -> cuteness

Translator's Note

朕 – > “Zhen” = Imperial “I”

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  1. Aah i would be nice if GB is a Samoyed it must be really meng aaah (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). Aaand thank you for the hard work 💖

  2. Pfffft! That’s what I imagine him like too, a fluffy white corgi!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I wonder how harsh the system’s punishments can get…

    I love watching Gu Bai capture the interest of his MLs.

  4. How cute! I love when gu bai tells people to call him bai rather then the character he’s playings name.. it’s kinda cute,, thank you for the chapter translator, I love you! 💕💕

  5. I’m kinda biased towards a maltese puppy,but a pom is cute too.

  6. Gu Bai relentlessly selling meng and showing off his talents is adorable! 😍 And I bet the Emperor will no longer be so irascible now that he has his very own pet Yao 🤗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  7. Y nuevamente, nuestro MC no persive que su esposo tomó esta vez la forma del emperador carne de cañon. Pero ¿por qué el emperador no es tan amoroso con ella como en la trama original? ¿es porque el ML es el que ocupa su cuerpo ahora?

  8. fluffy white Tibetan little dog.


  9. This is going to be a fun arc 👏👌

    Thank you for the updates.

  10. thanks for the chapter….why do I feel that the emperor is ML?except ML, no other character would have such instant feelings for GB

  11. This reminds me of FOD extra where Zhou YunSheng was a fox, his lover a regent more powerful than the emperor, while the protagonist of that story was a transmigrated assassin.

    Well, actually there are many similarities between this novel and FOD. Kind of also remind me of Who Touched My Tail!

  12. Okay I’m imagining him as the dog called “Norbert” search dog Norbert on google so damn cute hahahaha also fluffy and white maybe a puppy samoyed.

  13. If I’m not mistaken I’ve read this theme of a story in Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattack. But, instead a dog boy, it’s a fox girl. And it’s from the transmigrator-with-system’s POV. When I read this chapter, I instantly feel that I read the story from the fox girl’s pov. 😅

  14. Oh god, when I read that he’s a dog I was like ‘please don’t be an ugly dog like a pug’ and now I always imagine him as exactly that… so sad wuwu TT-TT

  15. It’s more like a white pomeranian 😆 the one in the secret life’s of pet movie..that cute white dog who got a crush to the MC of the that movie 😁