Holding Onto My ManChapter 50


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Translator's Note

guy who pretends to be a girl online

Translator's Note

literally: given him a green hat

Translator's Note

As in one hundred

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  1. Hahahaha. I was wondering why he groped him all over and still somehow refrained from kissing him for so long. Ugh. That showdown tho. Hahahaha. SX bitch got her face-slapped EPIC style. Tang Linyi got a reality check so rough. Ooof. Thanks for the chapter 😊 😍

  2. They did it, right?! shakes translator-sans shoulder they did it, right?! Where is the detailed papapa?! Where?! *sees crabs crawling oh, sht! Nooooooooooo!!!! *falls on knees and cries.

    At least they got together. As usual, if you can’t feel your hubby’s aura, then just wait until your hubby kisses you! 😂😂😂😂😂 that major face slap… ah. I can hear it! So loud and crisp! VIP Wang Lele! 😂😂😂😂😂 she’s more bitchy than the fake white lotus 😂😂😂😂😂

    Ooooooh more plot! Was that god something the cause of why Gu Bai (in his original body) is asleep?

  3. Uhm… por un lado quiero golpear hasta la muerte a Pei, ya que sinceramente y siendo objetiva estaba abusando sexualmente de la persona de la cual dice estar interesada, además no le importaba lastimarlo en el proceso.

    Solo fue consensuado una vez que GB descubrió que era su esposo, pero eso no quita que la otra parte se estuvo forzando.

    Y… ¿qué busca realmente el jefe?, porque parece que es feliz que una parte de sus almas haya reconocido a su esposa en ese mundo.

    ¿Por qué esta vez no pudo reconocer a su esposo, sino hasta que le besó?

  4. I am concerned by that emperor and red flame part, my mind is already making up a dramatic dark backstory all on it’s own. ●^●

    Thanks for the chapter!♡

  5. Depois desses reconhecimento estou mais calma para apreciar esse arco

  6. Wonder why it couldn’t be felt in the beginning?


  7. Thanks for the chapter, really wish once the Ml didn’t show up in one of the worlds haha

  8. I’m kinda disappointed with this arc. I usually avoid read bl that have ‘I dont care if you want it or not, i wanna do you no matter what’ kind of gong. It irritates me so much. I think the previous arc is really good. But not this arc☹

    Thanks for this wonderful chapter😊

    • Yep. I don’t like it at all. Can’t the writer write a better way for them to meet that doesn’t require molestation. If PMQ wasn’t the ml would he have raped our mc. I’m rly disappointed with this arc.

  9. Eu realmente não gosto dessa coisa de todo shou/uke ser fraco, o autor foi contra a própria lógica quando disse que ele não conseguia quebrar as algemas sendo um mestre treinado e ainda foi capturado super fácil sem nenhum resistência.

    Ah por favor vamos parar de palhaçada