Holding Onto My ManChapter 36


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Translator's Note

Another name for red bean is 相思子, or ‘yearning’, and dice is often made of bone, so ‘exquisite dice and red beans’ describe deep, bone-deep love and unforgettable yearning.

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  1. Thank you so much for the chapter! Omg I wasn’t expecting this arc to be over, and to end with such a sad way… sniffles

  2. Slag gong: unhappy

    slag shou: unhappy

    everybody else: super happy


  3. So, dear ML/System… got scared? How does it feel seeing his soul nearly vanishing right in front of your eyes? How about you come clean with him?

    Based on the fact that you’re so dedicated to him, seeing him suffering like that should hurt quite a bit, I suppose..

  4. Even though im happy they live together for a long time their parting was so sad.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Thank you for the chapter! I’m excited for the next arc!

  6. Thank you for translating this chapter 😍

  7. Thanks for the update! That makes me sad but also happy. Welp there’s still more. Hoping for the ml and mc to truly be together soon.


  8. Tables have turned, now it’s Lianzhi’s turn to imitate Yunxi xd

  9. lmao i knew ML would be mysterious master! i had suspected it to be him when he first appeared in a set of armors in the QST arc hahaha

  10. So Lianzhi “accidentally” broke the jade flute? Given how calculating this person is I think he was trying to test the bottom line regarding GB for FJ. And failed miserably.

  11. Eh, don’t worry- you’re not attached to any place or world, but a man that travels similarly to how you do 😁

  12. Im trying so hard not to cry right now,that ending was great but sad.

  13. can we take this moment to appreciate du mom? I really appreciate du mom because despite her background, she never pushed her own son to become like her. Although in their last life she wasnt able to protect her son, yet the fact that she never really let her son sell his body for glory or whatnot is really amazing.

  14. I know it’s not real, but I definitely cried….but only a little.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  15. That was so beautiful. This is probably my favorite arc yet!

    Thank you for your hard work!

  16. “‘I am Yunxi, and I like red clothes. I like musky scents, I like flutes……’”

    Wei Wuxian agrees lolol

  17. Gu Bai really pulled out reverse UNO here XD and Good for Gu Bai, he finally obtain the feeling of loving someone