Holding Onto My ManChapter 34


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  1. I luuuuuv that Gu Bai is just as inlove with MC as MC is inlove with him. And, not afraid or shy or annoyed to show it. An MC who does not act like a tsundere always is very refreshing. Honest cute wifey is the best! 🤩🤩🤩

    Thanks for the update.

  2. Gu Bai being genuinely lovey dovey and explaining things to his ML. 💕 It’s so nice seeing how he’s already changed compared to the previous arcs.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Long live group project. Thanks for the chapter. hope in future there will more group project. 😝

  4. ❤️ Thank u for da chapta!😍🙏

    (Sorry for the ugly writing wanted to see if I could put the emojis and text on one line🙈😂)

  5. Wow, I wasn’t expecting Lianzhi to show up now. Thanks for the chapter!

  6. yay green tea bitch and slag gong reunited at last!


  7. The amount of flirting between our dear Power Couple right now is giving the urge of this servant’s eyes to bleed….

  8. another the author is an idiot case

    “Zhen” ?? I thought he’s a prince!! Zhen is a emperor executive word!! no matter how powerful he is he cant say it especially if he still wants face