Holding Onto My ManChapter 29.2


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Translator's Note

referring to GB

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  1. Lianzhi? Don’t say such a foul name in the presence of cute little BaiBai! Quickly! Where is Ji Zhangyin?

    Thank you very much for the chapter! <3

  2. Wahh!!! Thank you for the chapter!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕

  3. Thank you so much for picking this up!! 💖
    Hehehe I smell some long awaited justice for Yunxi…

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whereees myyy ML noooooo. Btw thank you for picking this one ❤

    • I was dying while waiting 😭😭😭😭

      Thanks for picking it up!

  5. Goddamnit gu bai hhh u sly lil fox i wuv u so much oh my god

    Thanks so much for picking this up! Ive been dying fir new chapters QWQ

  6. Thank you for picking up the story

  7. Thank you for picking up this story. I was hopeful that a kind translator will continue the story. Wish came true. Thanks again

    • Chrysanthemum Garden picked up this novel of Gu Bai protecting his chrysanthemum ٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶

      Doesn’t makes sense, ik lol(☆/>u</)

  8. That’s one great acting genes they have there lol mother n son, they can practicallly film a family drama!

  9. Thanks for picking this up, I really like this novel; I was losing confidence in if anyone would ever continue it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!😘😘😘

  10. Thank you for picking up the story and for the hard work !!! Very happy!!!

  11. ଘ(੭ुˊ꒳​ˋ)੭ु.°♡ finally someone heard the supplications and brings us more than GB.

    THANK YOU!! ❤

  12. at least!!! NEW CHAPTER UPDATEE!!!!!!

  13. Thank yoooouu~~~!!!

    Omg, I’ve MTLed this so many times. I love this story! And your translations aren’t half bad 😀

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  14. Thank you for the chapter !
    Come give me a hug~

  15. OMG! Thank you so much for picking this up. I completed this thru MTL and totally love it so i still follow the translation.

  16. Thank you for picking this up and thank you for your hard work!

  17. Thank you so much for picking this up! You have my heart felt gratitude.

  18. Ooh I just realised this was picked up, I didn’t noticed by the acronym alone but thank you for adopting this novel! 💕

  19. Someone finally pick up this story!
    BANZAI!!!!! ₊·◟(˶╹̆ꇴ╹̆˵)◜‧
    Thank you so much!
    Muah! ( ˘ ³˘)❤

  20. Who’s the Best in the Wold?!?
    Ur the best in the world for saving so many innocent and starving harts. Love ya just love ya. #dandanmei 😘😘😂😂

  21. Thank you for picking it up! Been stalking for an update for months. You don’t know how happy seeing an update made me.

  22. Thanks for picking this up! I can’t wait to see more of GB’s heart beating!

  23. Thank you for picking this up 🥰🥰🤩

  24. YESSSSS!!!!!! I was re-reading this novel and then after I was done reading I looked at my reading list and found out that someone picked this novel up! I was so excited that I started doing weird dance moves…😂 Arigatō for picking this up!!!
    kowtows to shifu

  25. Thank you for taking the time to pick up this novel. It’s one of my favourites.
    Tysm. (^o^)/

  26. Thanks for picking this up!

  27. Eek I’m so glad someone picked this up you rock!

  28. Thank you for picking this up… I beg of you to raise this child till it is finished growing… and to not throw it away in the middle of a growth spurt….please ( can you make it grow quickly?) would really appreciate your hard work….

  29. I just realized that it has been picked up …. waaaaaahhhhh thank you so much for picking this up! 😍😍❤❤

  30. Thanks for reviving this novel! Perhaps I should celebrate with some dandan noodles. 😋

  31. Thank you for picking it up! I was seriously starting to contemplate learning the language to translate it for myself 0.o’
    I hope this work brings you as much joy as it’s sure to bring us readers!

    • Lololol desperate times call for desperate measures~

      One of the reasons I decided to pick this up was because I really enjoy it, and it sure does bring me a lot of joy to read as well as share HOMM with readers like you ❤️

  32. Thanks for picking this up!

    Fck this eldrr brother. He’s more scum than the second young master! Fck these siblings! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 MC should make them all suffer horribly! Go MC!

  33. Fucking slag gong.

    Bless you for picking this up!!


  34. Yay! Thank you for picking this up! Finally we get to see some of the results of GBs long term plotting ♡

  35. Gosh! You take this! Huhuhu thanks for the new chapter ❤❤

    Oh oh oh, I also want to ask if you don’t mind. Can I translate the chapter you translated into my language? Namely Indonesia?

    • Hey, I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I’m not taking anymore re-translation requests now because I’ve realized how many inaccuracies can get transferred from translation to translation which could result in the meaning behind authors’ stories getting twisted–I hope you understand!

      • Ah alright …
        I’m thankful because you want to translate this with difficulty! Yosh, fighting!!

  36. Yingyingyingyingyingyingying😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PICKING THIS UP🤗