Holding Onto My ManChapter 108


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  1. sis you’re carrying the plot on your back, do you need help?

    thank you for the chapter!

  2. She can’t vent her emotions on the subject of her pain, Yin Li, so she vents it instead on Gu Bai. Let’s not even mention that, as it isn’t explicitly stated, she hasn’t even confessed to Yin Li either so he probably doesn’t even know she loves him. Her hatred for Gu Bai is unfounded and unreasonable, but then again, when have characters like this ever had a brain cell?

  3. After waiting for more chapters,finally… But damn i want to read the next soon..This is so frustrating 😭😭😭…

    Anyway thank u for the update

  4. Oh my God! Such deep resentment, I don’t think someone would go this far even if their whole family was massacred. And she is doing all these nonsense out of jealousy. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

  5. Gu Bai’s death method really broke my heart and having his heart swallowed … she still didn’t leave them alone after his death! So hateful! She must be eliminated humph