Holding Onto My ManChapter 107


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Translator's Note

Evan: 情定 means exchanging vows. While I don’t think they actually GOT MARRIED there, it’s referring how the ML asked if MC wanted to be together with him, and MC agreed.

Translator's Note

Evan: “Cultivated the merciless sword” means that Yin Li’s cultivation method means that he is merciless and unfeeling towards everything. And that his “way”, is like a creed (except, not religious)/an oath to the cultivation.

Translator's Note

臣 chen = State official or subject in dynastic China; I, your servant

Translator's Note

神君 shén jūn = Shenjun is just a name/title that could mean deity, god, soul, spirit + monarch, lord, gentleman, ruler etc.

Translator's Note

Cat: Typos Ben Jun to Bun Jun.

Evan: Bun Lord. Lord of Buns. Lord of big booty

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  1. I feel sad, our innocent Baigu only has Ye Cang to trust. It is painful to be betrayed by someone you consider as family.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Why is everyone such assholes? They remind me of so many mortals, I can’t really think of these guys as immortals lol

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  3. Oh gosh this is so sad, my poor bai and ye cang 😭 they’re just inlove but the world against them this is so tragic 🤧😭

  4. We’ll get there somehow, they’ll be fine!!!

    Thank you for the chapter, dear lovely Cat, BaoBao and Evan!!!!

    • There are darkness in light and light in darkness. Of course heavens and hell are the same. Angels could be cruel and demons could be merciful. There’s good in bad and bad in good. In the end, the immortal realm are still full of human hearts and humans are, unfortunately, cruel in so many ways.

  5. I get the last parts… Yin Li ordered Feng Siming to hand over the technique, so that (like Gu Bai guessed earlier) Yin Baigu would lose his memories of Ye Cang. Smh Feng Siming, is in the end a human in heart like all other immortals. Maybe when Gu Bai mentioned his former friendship to Fen Siming, Feng Siming’s crack in emotion was due to guilt. But our Bai is freaking smart and realized the one who took the compass that controls him from Yin Li was Lu Yaoji while he (Yin Li) kept a blind eye to it and do his dirty work of getting rid Ye Cang for him. At this point it’s very obvious Yin Li also knew Lu Yaoji loved him and didn’t care since he used her. Luckily Gu Bai made plans before going forward with the Phoenix method stuff …. Phew. I love this plot and twists!!! 💯
    • Ignore me if I’m wrong though 😅 I’m actually more curious on how Ye Cang survived through the burning and who put him there (if it was mentioned who sealed him, then I must’ve been confused). I do know those missions he gave out to others and our Gu Bai was to get stronger for revenge, but not how he still survived or made the missions and I really hope it doesn’t gets ignored by the author

  6. Of course. They always deceive you with sweetness then stab you mercilessly in the back….

    Who told you to make our hearts bleed like this??!! Why would you make Baigu, Gu Bai kill Ye Cang with his own hands ToT wuwuwu

    My heart hurts so much for them, for Baigu who only loved someone. Is loving a person a sin?? I agree with Yin Li, immortal world can just perish. They at least owe Gu Bai that.

  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭

    My heart is bleeding, the ppl of the immortal realm are all scum of various degrees……