Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh77 - When Revenge Is A Dish… Best Served By Others?


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        • This is not the reception I was expecting. 😂

          Yang Wurong is uh… I guess in this case, she’s kind of an anti-hero, but on the whole, she is Long Shouning, minus the morals? Like she’s very good at keeping her house in order and is a little pit viper, but she also 100% actively helps with very bad things. She might not kill people, but she shuffles the money for people who do.

          Anyway, I wish Gao Zhong all manner of happiness in his marriage to her, lmao~

  1. Team building sounds like a nightmare! Yue Fei’s soul cleansing rituals sound pretty good though.

  2. I’m always in for a readers poll 🥺

    “What do you think is the most redeeming quality a person can have”

      • You’re welcome 😊

        I’m honestly just happy that you answer y questions, it’s something you simply don’t have when reading hardcover books and I think it makes for adorable little sneak peaks that help getting to know the characters better. I really like it ♡