Green Plum IslandCh39 - Probation Period

It’s the heat that wakes me up.

I open my eyes to find myself lying on my side with the warmth of another person’s body hugging me from behind. Their heavy, strong arms hold me at the waist, rising and lowering with each breath I take. V6d5Uk

With a jolt, I suddenly remember that I’m in Yan Kongshan’s house, in Yan Kongshan’s bed, and that the person hugging me is… Yan Kongshan himself. Sleep vanishes from me in an instant; I reach over to the top of the bed to grab my phone and check the time — the alarm’s going to ring in three minutes.

I suppose he can hug me for three more minutes. I relax back into the bed. Keeping still, waiting for the minutes to slowly tick by, I start recalling last night’s kiss. It was our third time kissing, and maybe because it took place in bed, in a darkened room, it felt like making out was just the natural thing to do. The atmosphere, the setting, the participants, it was all a perfect match.

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The dark was a perfect cover for my inexperience and awkwardness; it gave me the freedom to not be able to see his reactions or guess his thoughts. All I had to do was lie there and let him kiss me until my breath ran out.

Yan Kongshan’s pyjamas are too big on me and they shift all over the place without any deliberate movement; without any clothing as an obstacle, his kisses landed even lower. If it had been bright enough, if there’d been a mirror over me, I’m sure it would’ve reflected how flushed my face was as I was kissed until my soul left my body. dv926J

It’s hard to say when my pants slipped down, and with the two of us men entwined so close together, so intimately, neither of us could ignore the other person’s biological reaction. When I felt something poking my thigh, it took only a second for me to realise what it was.

What a specimen…

As our emotions heightened, his palm slipped down beneath my clothing and he began stroking my waist forcefully, the contact containing an urgency that burned. I was panting with my eyes wide, staring up at the vague outline of the ceiling overhead. This no longer seemed to be just a simple kiss, it was quickly escalating into unknown territory.

Things had gotten out of control.


I grabbed at his shoulder with one hand and put my other hand behind his head, meaning to stop him, but at the same time, I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. As a result, it looked like I was urging him on.

“Ah Shan…” I managed at last, although I trailed off weakly after spitting out his name. My voice was shaking too much to say anything else.

But just those two words were enough. Yan Kongshan suddenly went still, the tip of his tongue stopped where it was. He lifted his head, removing my hand from the back of his head, bringing it to his lips, and lay a gentle kiss on it.

“What did you call me?” Mdtg3C

His warm breath caressed my wrist, making me want to instinctively pull my hand back. His seemingly loose grip suddenly tightened, imprisoning my hand in his, so that I had to succumb to his fondling. His teeth nipped my wrist at my pulse, firm but gentle. The soft, intimate action juxtaposed with the thrill of having my life in someone’s hands made my breath quicken, making all my senses tingle with pleasure.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ah Shan,” I called out again in yearning. I wasn’t sure whether, in my cry, I was trying to express love, or beckoning for it. Or perhaps I was simply afraid, and calling out his name somehow bolstered strength in me and made me less afraid.

Llr affat yla ja ws rxlc, atfc ifa ub, ifjnlcu yftlcv j rtjgq qjlc; yfobgf atf qjlc mbeiv reyrlvf, Tjc Bbcurtjc mjwf bnfg wf bcmf wbgf jcv mjqaegfv ws wbeat. Ktlr alwf, tf kjr vbwlcffglcu atjc fjgilfg. Pa kjr jr lo tf wfjca ab ajxf jkjs jii ws bzsufc, jr lo tf kjr lcafcalbcjiis wjxlcu la vloolmeia obg wf ab ygfjatf.

The lack of oxygen had probably gone to my head — I knew that by calling out “Ah Shan”, he would kiss me until I went weak, yet every time he leaned away, his name simply came out of my mouth unconsciously over and over again, and so he kissed me to my wit’s end over and over again. D3iQb2

I had a feeling that if I didn’t stop him, he could go on all night. And while that was a pleasant thought, it didn’t seem too healthy for the body.

“Ah Shan, can…” I wrapped my arms around his neck as soon as my lips found a moment a freedom. “Can you date me?”

All at once, he went completely still. After a pause, he took his hand out from under my shirt. The atmosphere cooled down immediately, a single question like a bucket of cold water, extinguishing Yan Kongshan’s passion in the blink of an eye.

By now, my eyes were somewhat adjusted to the dark and although I couldn’t make out any details on his face, its outline was clear to me. bK2 s1

“Date?” He straightened up, and from the tone of his voice, it was apparent that he didn’t comprehend me.

I focused, trying to get my chaotic thoughts under control. “Y-You’re able to experiment with kissing with me, so why not dating me too?” Displaying a talent for bamboozling that surprised even myself, I continued, “Even if we started dating, our relationship wouldn’t really change that much. If you don’t like it, or if I don’t like it, we could always break up. And then you can keep living your abstinent life, while I keep searching for a boyfriend…”

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He still hadn’t let go of my wrist, and I wondered for a moment whether he forgot that the object in his grasp was my hand, a human hand made of flesh and blood, not a piece of dead wood. I opened my mouth to remind him, but then he suddenly tightened his hold so much that for a split second I thought he was going to break it.

“Sorry,” he said, loosening his hold immediately when I yelped, although he didn’t let go entirely. His fingers continued stroking the inside of my wrist, gentle this time. “Keep on going.” uadCF1

I pursed my lips. When I spoke again, I did so cautiously: “Look, you have to try things before you know whether you like them or not. You said before that you wouldn’t experiment with me, that you wouldn’t do the friends with benefits thing with me, but after you started kissing me, it’s obvious that you like it. So-So why not try dating me then? Who knows, you might find you like it after you try.”

As the saying went, experience is the mother of knowledge. If you don’t try, you’ll never know what awaits you in the future.

Yan Kongshan seemed to be considering my rationale, and for a second, he didn’t respond. After he’d wrapped his head around it though, he argued back, “But I’m determined to stay single and I don’t need love. Why should I experiment with you?”

My body temperature had finally gone back to normal, leaving my head clearer. I propped myself up slightly, deciding to humour him. eHz8iU

“You won’t lose anything by trying something new. If you fail, you’re still single, and you can continue thinking of love as rubbish and eradicate it from your life. But if you succeed, you will find an excellent boyfriend in your possession.” I’d never spoken of myself so hyperbolically in my life; if it weren’t for the cover of the darkness, I’d have been to shy to even start. “He’s young, active, attractive, and smart.”

At that, Yan Kongshan let out a laugh, shaking my hand lightly. “He’s also very impetuous, knows nothing about love, is filled with passion, but knows nothing about the cruelness of reality. I don’t want him to embark on a relationship that is set to fail and end up like me, disappointed in love, unable to trust anyone ever again.”

I blink. It felt like he was talking about me, but it also felt like he was talking about himself. He failed once, making him wary, and I could understand that. But I wasn’t about to lose heart because of it. Some things in life, you have to fight for.

“I’m not afraid, I want to try.” It was worth the risk. T6DZQs

“You might fall down painfully.” He spoke like an elder, wanting to lay out all the risk before me. “If we try and it doesn’t work out, I’m still going to reject you. What will you do then?”

I thought about it, then responded, “It’s not as if I haven’t been rejected before, you underestimate me.”

Fu Wei had rejected me, and I turned out just fine. Although I admit, that was probably because I didn’t feel for him what I feel for Yan Kongshan.

Yan Kongshan paused for a few beats, then commented in a nonchalant tone, “Oh right, I forgot that little boyfriend of yours…” Voy14G

“He wasn’t my boyfriend,” I corrected him, frowning.

He didn’t respond, and the atmosphere grew tenuous.

I flipped my hand and grabbed his, sliding my fingers in the gaps between his. “Just try with me, huh?” I prompted quietly.

Maybe this was the privilege of the young — I’d already forgotten the sting of being rejected by him the first time. I could create new opportunities for myself motivated simply by the vague possibility of success. You have to do this when you’re chasing someone, to be willing to give it your all and gamble everything. If you act with too much reservation, how is the other person supposed to see your sincerity or feel your affection? goDfqs

It could be that I’ll fail quite drastically, or that the energy I have for this is only due to my youth, but isn’t life about living in the present? The future is too far away, it’s better to leave future me to deal with it instead of worrying about it now.

“Ah Shan?” When he still didn’t respond, I tugged on his hand lightly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He tightened his fingers, and after a long time, let out a sigh from deep within his chest. “You are an incredibly fussy child.” As he spoke, he lay down again, still holding onto my hand. “…Let’s try then.”

Had I heard correctly? He said… He said he’d try it with me?? sYjcwC

I could hardly believe that I managed to persuade him, and in an instant, I felt as if I was floating among the clouds, unable to believe I wasn’t dreaming. The darkness was truly a fantastic facilitator, allowing for me to take initiative where otherwise it would’ve been difficult.

I pounced on top of him, my voice shaking with excitement. “You’re saying yes to dating me?”

He held on to my waist and chuckled. “Just to try, I’d say experimentation is different from the real thing, right? It’s like… a probation period.”

I pouted. He was being way too fastidious. “So then when will this probation end so I can go full-time?” YbXDl9

“Hm… until your school starts, I suppose.”

Which wasn’t too far off; there was less than half a month left until then.

“Okay, until I start school.”

I laid back down on my side of the bed. I seemed to be more confident in making physical contact with him thanks to my new status as his probationary boyfriend. I sought his hand out in the darkness and latched on, not letting go. mGKd1D

Then I suddenly recalled that we had been in the middle of making out. Turning to him, I asked, “Should we keep on kissing?”

He pinched my nose. “Go to sleep.”

I obediently shut my eyes, but couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. After some time, I was so exhausted that I flipped over so that I was facing Yan Kongshan, and snuggled up to his chest, finding myself a comfortable position, and fell asleep.

*** s3S1jw

Beep beep! Beep beep!

Three minutes have passed. The man behind me gradually awakens. He moves his arm, removing it from my waist. I feel the mattress dip; Yan Kongshan sits upright.

I’m a little nervous, and clutch tighter to my blanket. When I flip over, I call out a stiff greeting to the sleepy man beside me. “Morning…”

His response is to land a kiss directly to the corner of my mouth. “Good morning, little boyfriend.” His voice is slightly hoarse, with a hint of amusement. FJ3hjH

The kiss takes me by surprise and I’m unprepared, my heart palpitating — but at the same time, I can’t help venting inside. A boyfriend is a boyfriend, why’d he have to at a “little” in front of it?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. ABOUT TIME!!!! Catch him in your net Mianmian!! He’s obviously already whipped🙄

    Thank you for the chapter!!💜💜💜

  2. Yayyyy finally together… even though kongshan thinks it might not work out but for sure he’s already pitted and getting out is impossible bcoz our mian mian is too sweet 😊 ☺

    Thanks for the chapter ❤❤

  3. Good job Mian Mian (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

    When the chapter startet I was just like “Wait what? They just skipped the steamy part? Noooo~” xDD

    Thx for the meal >3

  4. Oh man, I can feel the angst coming from over a mile away. I’ll silently wait for the pain when its time for Mian Mian’s school to start 🙂

    Thank you so much for your hard work <3

  5. Screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!! Best chapter… Thank you so much for your hard work with this with book.😘

  6. Mian Mian is so strong and wise emotionally woah

    Pretty sure Yan Kongshan partly agrees because of the line “…while i keep searching for a boyfriend” since he found out he can’t even handle the idea of Luo Feiling calling him lol

  7. Catch him Mian Mian, you can do it. He’s just afraid of falling in love again but he’ll if it’s you!!!

  8. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! MAN DO I LOVE YU MIAN!!! I’m so proud of him!❤️❤️ And that line “I’ll look for a new boyfriend” definitely hit where it should if the tightening of YKS hold on YM’S wrist was any indication 😜

    Also…WHY IS YKS SO ADORABLE!! I love both of their characters SO much!