Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh92 - Hold hands for a bit?


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Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

watching a show/peanut gallery

Translator's Note

symbolizing the birth of a new child

Translator's Note

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  1. I agree, only after a good honest conversation will the relationship can evolve and grow. Especially because the reason for this relationship in the first place is because of revenge/trickery

  2. Bratty baby Xiao Xiangjing~

    Omg Christmas is almost there… I don’t think I’m ready yet… 0A0

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. I hope that misunderstandings will end soon and that they will finally have their happily ever after

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  4. loool xiao xiangjing xD

    this chapter is very cute and sweet!very smooth xhz!
    and yay huanhuan for taking the initiative!

  5. Ahhh I’m not looking forward to the angst but they have to get through it to reach their HE 😔😔

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  6. I hope my CG discord name, “When will Xiao Tianjing confess?” can be changed back soon 🙏

    Thank you for the update!

  7. Is that revenge from xiang xiang???? Ohhh huan huan wants to kiss anytime, anywhere so he wants this relationship to move forward hahahha!!! i support you jing huan bring out the inner xiao tianjing! Lol

  8. I am so in love with the approach Jing Huan has taken to deal with his feelings, so refreshing!! I hope he can come clear about the misunderstanding (Bcs despite his bad intentions towards Yearning For, he’s always been true to XHZ)

    I read a lot of angst is coming, can’t say I’m ready, but BRING IT ON (T-T)

    Thanks for the chapter!!! <3

  9. [On that day, many players in Illusion server discovered that the God Xiang who didn’t even like using his super rare mount, led his squinting daughter all day long to visit nearly all the maps in NCH.]

    such a proud dad lol.. showing off her daughter to everyone 🥰 🥰

    thank for the chapter.. ❤❤

  10. That baby is such a brat! Yeah. But her dad is the great god Xiang, so maybe that’s why she’s so ferocious.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. What angst is everyone talking about? Or misunderstanding?

    Thanks for the great translation.

  12. Confirmation through words is VERY IMPORTANT! note this.

    • Honestly! So many stories/ real life would go smoother if this was actually taken into account. Assuming gets people to bad places. 🤦‍♀️